Concepts Guide
UM Glossary

Glossary A  <-

ABI - Application Binary Interface
The execution-time interfaces presented by one software system, generally in the form of a dynamic (shared) library, for use by other software systems. ABIs are generally considered to be in the realm of binary, compiled code, not source code. Two versions are considered ABI compatible if the dynamic libraries can be used interchangeably by an application without the need to rebuild or relink that application. See also API.

ACK - Acknowledge
Generally, a control message which acknowledges some event or condition. Within the context of Ultra Messaging, it is often used to refer to a persistence control message sent by a subscriber to the Persistent Store to indicate that it has completed processing of a given data message. See Persistence.

ACE - Access Control Entry
A filter specifier to control which topics are allowed to transit a DRO portal. One or more ACEs make up an Access Control List (ACL). See Access Control Lists (ACL).

ACL - Access Control List
A method used by the DRO to control which topics are allowed to transit a DRO portal. An ACL consists of one or more Access Control Entries (ACE). See Access Control Lists (ACL).

The name of an open-source JMS-oriented messaging system. The Ultra Messaging UMQ product contains an enhanced form of ActiveMQ to provide queuing semantics and a JMS API. See UMQ Overview.

AMQP - Advanced Message Queuing Protocol
An open standard messaging wire protocol. See Wikipedia's write-up for more information on AMQP. The UMQ product makes use of AMQP to provide interoperability between Ultra Messaging and ActiveMQ. See UMQ Overview.

API - Application Programming Interface
The callable functions, classes, methods, data formats, and structures presented by one software system for use by other software systems. APIs are generally considered to be in the realm of source code, not compiled binaries. APIs are generally documented, and can be extended from one version to the next. Two versions are considered API compatible if the application can be built against either version interchangeably without the need to modify the source code. Ultra Messaging has APIs available for the C, Java, and .NET (C#) programming languages. For example, lbm_context_create() is part of the C API. See also ABI.

Glossary B  <-

BOS - Beginning Of Stream
An event delivered to a receiver callback indicating that the link between the source and the receiver is now active. Be aware that in a deployment that includes the DRO, it may only indicate an active link between the receiver and the local router portal, not necessarily full end-to-end connectivity. See also EOS

A daemon which mediates the exchange of messages. In the context of Ultra Messaging, it refers to the ActiveMQ daemon which implements the queuing functionality and JMS. See Queuing.

Busy Waiting
Also known as "busy looping" and "polling". A method of a thread to wait for a real-time event by testing for the event in a tight loop without giving up the CPU. Typically leads to the thread consuming 100% of a CPU core.

Glossary C  <-

CIDR - Classless Inter-Domain Routing
Generally, CIDR refers to the division of a 32-bit IPv4 address between network and host parts. In the context of Ultra Messaging, CIDR notation can be used to ease the specification of host network interfaces. See Specifying Interfaces.

Within the context of Ultra Messaging, a context is an object which functions conceptually as an environment in which UM runs. Context is often abbreviated as "ctx". See Context Object.

Crybaby Receiver
Within the context of a NAK-based protocol (like LBT-RM or LBT-RU), a crybaby receiver is one that experiences sustained loss even during periods of normal traffic load. This might be due to equipment malfunction (e.g. a lossy NIC) or software malfunction (application which can't keep up with normal traffic). See NAK Suppression.

CTX - Context
Within the context of Ultra Messaging, a context is an object which functions conceptually as an environment in which UM runs. See Context Object.

Glossary D  <-

DBL - Datagram Bypass Layer
A kernel-bypass driver that accelerates sending and receiving UDP traffic and operates with Myricom 10-Gigabit Ethernet adapter cards for Linux and Windows. See Myricom Datagram Bypass Layer (DBL).

An informal term for a problem where a subscriber for a topic is not receiving messages sent by a publisher for that topic.

Delivery Confirmation
An optional event generated by a persistent subscriber's receiver and delivered to a persistent publisher's source to indicate that the subscriber has completed processing of a message. See Persistence.

Delivery Controller
An instance of the receive-side "topic layer" within the UM software stack. See UM Software Stack.

DLQ - Dead Letter Queue
With queuing, the Dead Letter Queue (DLQ) is a destination for messages that cannot be delivered to a receiver. See Dead Letter Queue.

DRO - Dynamic Routing Option
The name of an Ultra Messaging option which provides routing of messages different Topic Resolution Domains (TRDs). See DRO.

Dynamic Routing Option (DRO)
The name of an Ultra Messaging option which provides routing of messages different Topic Resolution Domains (TRDs). See DRO.

Glossary E  <-

EOS - End Of Stream
An event delivered to a receiver callback indicating that the link between the source and the receiver is deleted. Be aware that in a deployment that includes the DRO, it may only indicate a deleted link between the receiver and the local router portal, not necessarily a full end-to-end link. See also BOS

Event Queue
Within the context of Ultra Messaging, an event queue object is a serialization queue structure and execution thread for delivery of other objects' events. Event queue is often abbreviated as "evq". See Event Queue Object.

EVQ - Event Queue
Within the context of Ultra Messaging, an event queue object is a serialization queue structure and execution thread for delivery of other objects' events. See Event Queue Object.

Glossary F  <-

Flight Size
The number of messages that a persistent publisher can have outstanding that are not stable. A persistent publisher generally limits the number of unstable messages it can have outstanding, and may block further attempts to send until some outstanding messages become stable. See Persistence. See also Stability.

Fragmentation Size
The splitting of a large application message into multiple pieces. There are two forms of fragmentation: UM fragmentation (done by UM) and IP fragmentation (done by the operating system). See Message Fragmentation and Reassembly.

Glossary G  <-

An early version of a message router, replaced as of version 6.10 with the DRO. See Dynamic Routing Option (DRO).

Glossary H  <-

HF - Hot Failover
A form of redundancy in which multiple instances of a publisher send the same messages at the same time to subscribers, which select for application delivery the first copy received. If one publisher instance fails, the subscribers are able to continue operation receiving from the remaining publisher. See Hot Failover (HF).

HFX - Hot Failover eXtended
An extended form of Hot Failover. Note: HFX is deprecated. See Hot Failover Across Multiple Contexts (HFX).

HRT - High Resolution Timestamp
A feature that leverages the hardware timestamping function of certain network interface cards to measure sub-microsecond times that packets are transmitted and received. See High-resolution Timestamps.

Glossary I  <-

IP Fragmentation
The Operating System function of splitting UDP datagrams into MTU-sized packets. See Message Fragmentation and Reassembly.

IPC - InterProcess Communication
Generally, the term simply refers to any of several mechanisms by which an operating system allows processes to communicate or share data. Within the context of Ultra Messaging, LBT-IPC specifically refers to the shared memory transport type. A source configured for LBT-IPC can only pass messages to receivers running on the same machine (or virtual machine). See Transport LBT-IPC.

Glossary J  <-

The amount of variation from the average, usually latency. High jitter can either mean frequent small variations, or infrequent large variations. Large latency outliers are undesirable, even if rare.

JMS - Java Message Service
A standardized API for Java applications to send and receive messages. Ultra Messaging's UMQ product allows limited interoperability between applications using UM and applications using JMS. See JMS.

JNI - Java Native Interface
A method by which Java code can invoke code written in C.

Glossary K  <-

Kernel-Bypass Driver
A device driver software package, normally supplied by a hardware vendor, which provides a user-space library and API for accessing the hardware without transitioning into the kernel. Some examples: Solarflare's Onload driver, Myricom's DBL driver, Cisco's "ExaSOCK" driver, Voltaire's VMA driver. See Datagram Max Size and Network MTU for related information.

Glossary L  <-

LBM - Latency Busters Messaging
An old name of the Ultra Messaging product line. Superseded by UM. "LBM" is sometimes used to refer to the streaming product. That use is superseded by "UMS". The abbreviation "lbm" lives on in various parts of the UM API, and was kept for backwards compatibility.

LBT - Latency Busters Transport
Usually used as a prefix for a specific transport type: LBT-RM, LBT-RU, LBT-IPC, and LBT-SMX. See transport (source).

LJ - Late Join
A function by which a subscriber can create a receiver for a topic, and is able to retrieve one or more messages sent to that topic prior to the receiver being created. See Late Join.

LJIR - Late Join Information Request
A type of control message sent by a receiver to a source to request an Late Join Information control message. See Late Join.

Glossary M  <-

MIM - Multicast Immediate Message
Alternate send method which makes use of a pre-configured LBT-RM transport which is shared by all like-configured applications. The "immediate" means that messages may be sent to arbitrary topic names without the creation of source objects. See Multicast Immediate Messaging. See also glossaryuim.

Glossary N  <-

NAK - Negative AcKnowledgement
A type of control message sent by a receiver using LBT-RM or LBT-RU transports. Sent when packet loss causes a sequence number gap in received messages, the NAKs specify which sequence numbers are missing and request retransmission. See Transport LBT-RM Reliability Options.

NAT - Network Address Translation
A function of a network device (typically a router or firewall) that modifies packet headers' IP addresses and ports to enable communication between networks using different address spaces. We recommend using a pair of DROs to transit a NAT router, but you can also use an lbmrd.

NCF - NAK ConFirmation
A type of control message sent by a source using LBT-RM transport. The LBT-RM protocol requires a source send an NCF if it receives a NAK for which it is not willing to send a re-transmission. See LBT-RM Source Ignoring NAKs for Efficiency.

NAK Storm
A network condition in which packet loss triggers packet recovery operations for a NAK-based protocol (like LBT-RM and LBT-RU), and the packet recovery operations themselves induce further packet loss. This can lead to a self-reinforcing feedback loop in which the packet recovery operations trap the protocol in an unbounded loss condition. See What Is a NAK Storm? for details and prevention.

NIC - Network Interface Card
A part of a computer which connects to one or more network cables and provides packet-level communication to the operating system.

Glossary O  <-

A kernel-bypass driver that accelerates sending and receiving network traffic and operates with Solarflare Ethernet adapter cards for Linux. See Solarflare Onload.

The open-source version of Onload, a kernel-bypass driver that accelerates sending and receiving network traffic and operates with Solarflare Ethernet adapter cards for Linux. See Solarflare Onload.

OpenSSL - Open Secure Sockets Layer
A library which provides encryption services. OpenSSL is used by Ultra Messaging's encryption feature. See for general information about OpenSSL. See Encrypted TCP for information about Ultra Messaging's encryption feature.

OTID - Originating Transport IDentifier
Control information which uniquely identifies a source object within a UM network. See More About Proxy Sources and Receivers.

OTR - Off-Transport Recovery
A method by which are lost and are not recoverable by the source transport can be recovered by UIMs using a method similar to Late Join. See Off-Transport Recovery (OTR).

Glossary P  <-

In messaging, pacing refers to the method by which the send rate is controlled (or not controlled). In general, there is "source pacing", where the source determines the rate of message transmission, or "receiver pacing", where the slowest receiver of a source can limit the rate of message transmission. See Transport Pacing.

PCRE - Perl Compatible Regular Expressions
An open-source library which closely implements the Perl 5 regular expression language. UM uses PCRE for wildcard receiver pattern matching. See Wikipedia's write-up for information on PCRE. See also UM Wildcard Receivers.

PDM - Pre-Defined Messages
A message encoding scheme based on integer field identifiers for structured messages can be assembled and sent by applications. Includes field types and performs data marshaling across different CPU architectures. See Pre-Defined Messages. See also SDM.

One of the basic Messaging Paradigms supported by UM (the other two are Streaming and Queuing). Persistence, sometimes called "durable" or "guaranteed" messages, saves messages sent by a publisher in non-volatile storage so that subscribers can recover missed messages under a variety of failure scenarios. If multiple subscribers exist for the same topic, each subscriber will get all messages sent by the publisher. See Persistence.

PGM - Pragmatic General Multicast
A standards-based protocol for reliable multicast. Ultra Messaging's "LBT-RM" protocol is inspired by PGM. See Transport LBT-RM for a list of differences between LBT-RM and PGM..

To achieve the highest performance, users should make use of "core pinning", also called "task setting" or "setting thread affinity". This is where time-critical threads are assigned to execute on a specific set of one or more CPU cores. Without pinning, the operating system will sometimes migrate a thread from one NUMA zone to another. This introduces significant latency and jitter. Core pinning prevents this from happening. See Core Pinning.

An interface to the DRO. A DRO portal can either be an endpoint portal (interfaces with a Topic Resolution Domain), or a peer portal (interfaces with another DRO). See DRO Portals.

PTP - Precision Time Protocol
A protocol used to synchronize clocks throughout a computer network. Used by some NICs to synchronize host clocks (e.g. Solarflare). See Wikipedia's write-up for more information.

Pub/Sub - Publish / Subscribe
A model of messaging passing in which the publisher (sender) does not keep track of the subscribers (intended recipients) of messages. Instead, the messages carry metadata (topic name) in which the subscribers express interest, and the underlying messaging software forwards messages to the subscribers based on that interest.

Glossary Q  <-

One of the basic Messaging Paradigms supported by UM (the other two are Streaming and Persistence). Queuing supports "load balancing" whereby published messages can be distributed across a set of subscribers such each message is only handled by one of the subscribers. See Queuing.

Glossary R  <-

RCV - Receiver
Within the context of Ultra Messaging, a receiver is an object used to subscribe to a topic. "Receiver" is sometimes used to refer generally to an entire subscribing application. See Receiver Object. See also Wildcard Receiver.

Within the context of Ultra Messaging, a receiver is an object used to subscribe to a topic. "Receiver" is sometimes used to refer generally to an entire subscribing application. Receiver is often abbreviated as "rcv". See Receiver Object. See also Wildcard Receiver.

When a publisher creates a persistent source, that source must register with the configured persistent Stores before it can start sending messages. This registration prepares the persistent Store and the source to cooperate in the transfer of persisted messages. Likewise, when a subscriber creates a persistent receiver, that receiver must register with the configured persistent Stores before it can start receiving messages. See Persistence.

Request Port
Also known as "UIM Port". TCP port that a context listens to for incoming UIM traffic. See Unicast Immediate Messaging for general information on UIM.

RM - Reliable Multicast
A shortening of "LBT-RM". The Ultra Messaging protocol and implementation in which user messages sent via Multicast UDP are monitored for loss, and retransmissions are arranged to recover loss. See Transport LBT-RM.

RPP - Receiver-Paced Persistence.
A form of persistence in which a publisher can be blocked from sending if receivers are having trouble keeping up with the message rate. See Persistence. See also SPP.

Within the context of Ultra Messaging, "\ref umrouter" generally refers to the daemon within the DRO. See Dynamic Routing Option (DRO).

RSA - Rivest, Shamir, and Aleman
A public-key cryptosystem developed by Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman. Included in the OpenSSL library used by Ultra Messaging's encryption feature. See Encrypted TCP.

RU - Reliable Unicast
A shortening of "LBT-RU". The Ultra Messaging protocol and implementation in which user messages sent via Unicast (point-to-point) UDP are monitored for loss, and retransmissions are arranged to recover loss. See Transport LBT-RU.

RX - Re-transmission
Depending on the context, RX can either mean the messages retransmitted by the LBT-RM and LBT-RU transport protocols (e.g. in transport statistics), or it can mean the messages recovered via the Persistent Store or Late Join.

Glossary S  <-

SDM - Self-Describing Messages
A message encoding scheme based on keyword-value pairs for structured messages can be assembled and sent by applications. Includes field types and performs data marshaling across different CPU architectures. See Self Describing Messaging. See also PDM.

SIR - Source Information Record
A type of control message used by the SRS to advertise sources to contexts. See TCP-Based Topic Resolution Details.

SM - Session Message
A type of control message used by the LBT-RM protocol to keep a Transport Session alive. See Transport LBT-RM Operation Options.

SNMP - Simple Network Management Protocol
A standardized protocol by which computers and network equipment can be monitored and managed from a central point (management station). SNMP is also the name of an Ultra Messaging option which makes UM application usage statistics available for monitoring by a standard SNMP management station.

Within the context of Ultra Messaging, a source is an object used to send messages to a topic. "Source" is sometimes used to refer generally to an entire publishing application. Source is often abbreviated as "src". See Source Object.

SPP - Source-Paced Persistence.
A form of persistence in which a publisher is allowed to continue sending at its natural rate, even if one or more receivers are falling behind to the point that the message repository's oldest messages are overwritten, leading to unrecoverable loss. See Persistence.

SRC - Source
Within the context of Ultra Messaging, a source is an object used to send messages to a topic. "Source" is sometimes used to refer generally to an entire publishing application. See Source Object.

SRS - Stateful Resolver Service
A daemon which provides TCP-based Topic Resolution. See Topic Resolution Description.

SRI - Source Registration Information
A type of control message used to communicate persistence information between persistent publishers and subscribers. A subscriber of persistent messages needs an SRI to successfully register with a persistent Store. See Persistence.

The state that a persistent publisher's sent message has been successfully persisted in the persistent Store. In the time between message transmission and message stability, the message is at risk of being lost. The term is also used to refer to the source event delivered to a publishing application to indicate a message's stability. See Persistence. See also Flight Size.

A shortening of "persistent Store". An Ultra Messaging component which works with persistent sources and receivers to record messages, and also deliver previously-recorded messages for recovery. The UMP and UMQ products include the persistent Store; the UMS product does not. See Persistence.

One of the basic Messaging Paradigms supported by UM (the other two are Persistence and Queuing). Streaming requires that the publisher and subscriber be running at the same time for messages to be delivered. Messages are not saved to non-volatile storage. If multiple subscribers exist for the same topic, each subscriber will get all messages sent by the publisher. See Streaming.

Strong RegID
When Persistence is configured with a non-zero activity timeout, the Store prevents simultaneous use of a registration ID by two processes. The registration ID is said to be "strong". See Activity Timeout and State Lifetimes.

Glossary T  <-

TIR - Topic Information Record
A type of topic resolution control message used by a source to advertise its details. Subscribers use TIRs to discover and connect to sources of interest. See Topic Resolution Overview.

Related to Immediate Messaging, a "topicless" message is one that has no topic associated with it.

TNWG - Twenty Nine West Gateway
A historic name for the DRO. The name was changed to DRO in UM version 6.0, but the older name of the executable file (tnwgd) was retained for backwards compatibility.

TQR - Topic Query Record
A type of topic resolution control message used by a receiver to discover sources of interest. Publishers use TQRs to trigger the sending of TIRs. See Topic Resolution Overview.

TR - Topic Resolution
The protocol used by Ultra Messaging components to exchange information about available topics and topic interest. See Topic Resolution Overview. See also TIR and TQR.

Transport Session
A specific run-time instance of a transport type to carry application messages. The Transport Session can be thought of as a communications channel. As a publishing application creates sources, it maps those sources onto Transport Sessions. A Transport Session is fairly resource-intensive, so it is frequently the case that many sources are mapped to each Transport Session.

TRD - Topic Resolution Domain
A group of Ultra Messaging applications and UM components which communicate with each other directly, not through a DRO. Specifically, it refers to those applications and components which directly exchange Topic Resolution control messages. Applications in different TRDs are not able to communicate with each other unless one or more DROs are used to interconnect the TRDs. See Topic Resolution Domain.

TSNI - Topic Sequence Number Information
A type of control message sent by a source to assist in the detection and recovery from certain types of packet loss. See Loss Detection Using TSNIs.

Glossary U  <-

UIM - Unicast Immediate Message
Alternate send method which makes use of pre-configured TCP transports. The "immediate" means that messages may be sent to arbitrary topic names without the creation of source objects. Sending a UIM bypasses Topic Resolution, so the calling application must specify the address information for the intended recipient. Because of this, the UIM feature is rarely used directly by user applications. However, Ultra Messaging uses UIMs internally for many of its control messages. See Multicast Immediate Messaging. See also glossarymim.

UIM Port - Unicast Immediate Messaging Port
Also known as "Request Port". TCP port that a context listens to for incoming UIM traffic. See Unicast Immediate Messaging for general information on UIM.

ULB - Ultra Load Balance
A feature of the Ultra Messaging UMQ product which provides a limited subset of queuing semantics without the use of a central message broker. ULB is generally used to provide high-speed load balancing of UM messages. In the Pub/Sub model, if multiple subscribers create receivers for the same topic, each subscriber will receive a copy of every message sent. In the Queuing model, the messages are distributed to the multiple subscribers, with each message only being acted on by one of those subscribers. See Ultra Load Balancing (ULB).

UM - Ultra Messaging
The name of the Informatica messaging middleware product line. UM is based on the pub/sub model of message passing, which allows the components of distributed applications to communicate. Note that Ultra Messaging is registered trademark of Informatica, LLC.

UM Fragmentation
The UM function of splitting large application messages into datagrams. See Message Fragmentation and Reassembly.

UM Router
Within the context of Ultra Messaging, "\ref umrouter" generally refers to the daemon within the DRO. See Dynamic Routing Option (DRO).

UMCache - Ultra Messaging Cache
The name of an Ultra Messaging option which provides a limited degree of message storage and retrieval.

UMDS - Ultra Messaging Desktop Services
The name of an Ultra Messaging option which consists of a server daemon and a set of client libraries which provides simplified access to an Ultra Messaging network.

UME - Ultra Messaging, Enterprise edition
An old name of the UMP product. Superseded by UMP. The abbreviation "ume" lives on in various parts of the UM API, and was kept for backwards compatibility.

UMM - Ultra Messaging Manager
A component of UM which allows users to centrally edit, store, and distribute configuration information to distributed applications. NOTE: this component is deprecated as of UM version 6.17 and will be removed from a future release. See the UM Manager Guide.

UMP - Ultra Messaging, Persistence edition
An Ultra Messaging product which supports message Streaming and Persistence. The term is sometimes used to refer specifically to the persistence function. See Persistence.

UMQ - Ultra Messaging, Queuing edition
An Ultra Messaging product which supports message Streaming, Persistence, and Queuing. The term is sometimes used to refer specifically to the queuing function. See Queuing.

UMS - Ultra Messaging, Streaming edition
An Ultra Messaging product which supports message Streaming. The term is sometimes used to refer specifically to the streaming function.

Glossary V  <-

VMA - Voltaire Messaging Accelerator
A kernel-bypass driver that accelerates sending and receiving UDP traffic and operates with Mellanox 10-Gigabit Ethernet and Infiniband adapter cards for Linux. (The software used to be owned by a company called Voltaire, which was acquired by Mellanox.) See UD Acceleration for Mellanox Hardware Interfaces.

Glossary W  <-

Weak RegID
When Persistence is configured with a zero activity timeout, the Store does not prevent simultaneous use of a registration ID by two processes. The registration ID is said to be "weak". See Activity Timeout and State Lifetimes.

Wildcard Receiver
An object created by an application using the UM API to subscribe to a group of topics based on a Regular Expression pattern match. See UM Wildcard Receivers. See also PCRE. See also Receiver.

Glossary X  <-

XSP - Transport Services Provider
An object created by a subscribing application to control the threading of message reception. See Transport Services Provider Object.

Glossary Z  <-

ZOD - Zero Object Delivery
Feature which allows a Java or .NET subscribers to have received messages delivered without per-message object creation. This is more efficient than creating objects with each received message, and also avoids garbage collection. See Zero Object Delivery.