Release Notes
To make UM more maintainable, functionality is sometimes removed from UM. Informatica understands that this can be disruptive to users, so we try to restrict such deprecations to features that, to our knowledge, are not needed by our users. Typically the depreciation is announced prior to the functionality being removed to give users time to replace the deprecated functionality with the recommended replacement.
Informatica recommends careful reading of each version's release notes to learn which features are being deprecated. If you are upgrading across multiple versions of UM, the deprecations for all intervening versions should be examined.
If you discover that a feature is deprecated which is important to your use case, please contact UM Support.
UN-DEPRECATED: Store Groups. UM version 6.13 announced the deprecation of Store Groups. This decision has been reversed. Store groups will continue to be fully supported into the future.
REMOVED: "Reduced FD" Store. In UM version 6.13.1, we announced deprecation of the "Reduced FD" Store. In version 6.15 the reduced FD functionality has been removed from the Store. This included the removal of the LevelDB database code from the Store.
DEPRECATED: Daemon Monitoring Formats. The binary daemon monitoring formats for the Store and DRO are deprecated. The JSON daemon monitoring format for the SRS is deprecated.
We currently do not plan to remove these deprecated formats, but new monitoring features will not be added to them.
Informatica recommends transitioning to the "protocol buffer" format for Store, DRO, and SRS. See Monitoring Formats.
DEPRECATED: "HFX" feature. This is a heavier-weight version of Hot Failover in which multiple contexts are used to receive the duplicated data streams. This provides greater flexibility on selecting different network interfaces to carry the data.
The feature turned out not to be of interest to our customers. If you use this feature, please contact UM Support.
DEPRECATED: Enabling daemon statistics on Store and DRO using "<daemon-monitor>". The C-style binary structures format of Store and DRO daemon statistics are enabled with the "<daemon-monitor>" element.
Informatica requests users to migrate to using the UM configuration file to enable automatic monitoring with Protocol Buffer monitoring format for Store and DRO by setting monitor_format (context) to "pb".
DEPRECATED: Monitoring Format CSV. Prior to UM version 6.14, the only monitoring formatter available was CSV (comma-separated values).
Starting in UM 6.14, CSV is deprecated in favor of proto buffs. We do not plan to remove existing CSV functionality, and we will continue to support it in its current state. But we do not plan to enhance CSV in the future.
To take advantage of new monitoring capabilities, Informatica requests that users migrate to proto buffs.
See Monitoring Formats.
DEPRECATED: Monitoring transports UDP and SNMP.
Starting in UM 6.14, monitoring transports UDP and SNMP are deprecated in favor of LBM. We do not plan to remove existing UDP or SNMP functionality, and will continue to support them in their current states. But we do not plan to enhance UDP or SNMP in the future.
To take advantage of new monitoring capabilities, Informatica requests that users migrate to the LBM transport.
DEPRECATED: SNMP Monitoring Agent.
Starting in UM 6.14, the SNMP Monitoring Agent is deprecated in favor of MCS. We do not plan to remove existing SNMP agent functionality, and will continue to support it in its current state. But we do not plan to enhance the SNMP agent in the future.
To take advantage of new monitoring capabilities, Informatica requests that users migrate to Monitoring Collector Service (MCS).
DEPRECATED: Store web monitor.
Starting in UM 6.14, the Store Web Monitor is deprecated in favor of MCS. We do not plan to remove existing web monitor functionality, and will continue to support it in its current state. But we do not plan to enhance the web monitor in the future.
To take advantage of new monitoring capabilities, Informatica requests that users migrate to Monitoring Collector Service (MCS).
DEPRECATED: DRO web monitor.
Starting in UM 6.14, the DRO Web Monitor is deprecated in favor of MCS. We do not plan to remove existing web monitor functionality, and will continue to support it in its current state. But we do not plan to enhance the web monitor in the future.
To take advantage of new monitoring capabilities, Informatica requests that users migrate to Monitoring Collector Service (MCS).
DEPRECATED: "Reduced FD" Stores. The Store configuration option repository-type of "reduced-fd" is now deprecated, and will be removed from a future UM version. Users of "reduced-fd" are advised to contact UM Support for advice on migrating to repository type "disk".
NOT DEPRECATED: Store Groups. UM version 6.13 included a deprecation announcement of multiple Q/C groups. This feature was un-deprecated in 6.15 and will be fully supported in future releases. (At no time was the functionality removed or disabled.)
DEPRECATED: "No Cache" Stores. The Store configuration option repository-type of "no-cache" is now deprecated, and will be removed from a future UM version. Users of "no-cache" are advised to contact UM Support for advice on migrating to repository type "disk".
DEPRECATED: Arrival Order Delivery, No Reassembly Deprecation. The Arrival Order, Fragments Not Reassembled feature (ordered_delivery 0) is still operational but may be removed in a future release.
Users are advised to use Arrival Order, Fragments Reassembled (ordered_delivery -1) instead.
DEPRECATED: Application Headers Deprecation. The Application Headers feature is still operational but may be removed in a future release.
Users are advised to use Message Properties instead.
DEPRECATED: UM configuration attribute "application_data" and the corresponding <application-data> XML configuration element. This feature was never fully implemented, and it is now formally deprecated and may be removed in a future release.
Starting with UM version 6.16, no 32-bit components are supported. See Eliminate 32-bit.
Starting with UM version 6.13, there is a reduction in supported platforms for UM daemons.
The UM daemons are:
Starting with UM version 6.13, the daemons will only be supported on the following platforms:
Daemon | Linux 64 | Windows 64 | Windows 32 |
Persistent Store (stored) | YES | YES | no |
DRO - Dynamic Routing Option (tnwgd) | YES | YES | YES |
Unicast Resolver Daemon (lbmrd) | YES | YES | no |
SRS - Stateful Resolution Service | YES | YES | no |
UMM Ultra Messaging Manager (ummd) | YES | YES | no |
ActiveMQ broker | YES | YES | no |
UMDS Server (umdsd) | YES | no | no |
Platforms not mentioned in the above table are not supported for the UM daemon components, including 32-bit Linux, Solaris, AIX, Darwin (MacOS) IBM Power CPUs.
Note that there is no change in support for applications. UM daemons running on the reduced set of platforms will be able to service applications running on the full range of supported platforms.
UM daemons will continue to be available on the following platforms:
The planned deprecated daemon platforms are:
User applications deployed on these platforms will fully interoperate with daemons running on the reduced set of platforms.
Contact UM Support if any of these planned deprecations interfere with your existing or planned deployments.
DEPRECATED: Adaptive Batching. Adaptive batching is still operational, but planned to be removed in a future release.
DEPRECATED: Explicit Batching. Explicit Batching is still operational, but planned to be removed in a future release.
DEPRECATED: Hypertopics. HyperTopics is still operational, but planned to be removed in a future release.
DEPRECATED: TCP-LB. The "bounded_latency" selection for transport_tcp_multiple_receiver_behavior (source) is still operational, but planned to be removed in a future release.
Java APIs deprecated:
' and '<companion>
' will generate errors. Upgrading customers should use <single-tcp> instead.
For Persistent Stores, the '<topic>
' option type value 'regexp
' is deprecated.
The following configuration options are deprecated and no longer function.
The following C API functions are deprecated and no longer function:
The following Java and .NET API functions are deprecated and no longer function:
' configuration option element is deprecated.
The Round-Robin Store failover configuration is deprecated.
' option is deprecated.
The Java send methods that accept a callback object (cbArg) are deprecated:
Use the send method that accepts an LBMSourceSendExInfo object instead.
The receiver configuration options retransmit_request_generation_interval (receiver) and otr_request_duration (receiver) have been deprecated. Late join and OTR now track a total duration for each message that begins when a receiver sends the first retransmission request for the message. See retransmit_request_message_timeout (receiver).
Option otr_request_duration (receiver) is deprecated and replaced with the new option otr_request_message_timeout (receiver).
Deprecations for UM versions prior to 6.0.
Functions lbm_context_set_name() and lbm_context_get_name() are deprecated and no longer have any functionality. Use configuration option context_name (context) instead.
The constants LBM_SRC_EVENT_UME_REGISTRATION_SUCCESS, LBM_MSG_UME_REGISTRATION_SUCCESS, LBM_SRC_EVENT_UME_MESSAGE_STABLE, LBM_SRC_EVENT_UME_DELIVERY_CONFIRMATION, and the structures lbm_src_event_ume_registration_t, lbm_msg_ume_registration_t. are no longer used.
Applications must instead use LBM_SRC_EVENT_UME_REGISTRATION_SUCCESS_EX, LBM_MSG_UME_REGISTRATION_SUCCESS_EX, LBM_SRC_EVENT_UME_MESSAGE_STABLE_EX, LBM_SRC_EVENT_UME_DELIVERY_CONFIRMATION_EX, and the structures lbm_src_event_ume_registration_ex_t, lbm_msg_ume_registration_ex_t, lbm_src_event_ume_ack_ex_info_t.
For other deprecations made in pre-6.0 versions of UM, see the Change Log document the UM version 5.3.6 Documentation Set.