Configuration Guide
Automatic Monitoring Options

The Monitoring Options in this section apply to a given UM context.

You can override the default values of these options and apply monitoring option values to all UM contexts (transports and event queues) with the following environment variables:


These variables will not override any Monitoring Options you explicitly set. The environment variables only override Monitoring Options default values. Note that Informatica recommends the use of configuration options instead of environment variables.

If you do not specify any monitoring options either in a UM configuration file or via lbm_context_attr_setopt() calls, no monitoring will occur. However, if you then set the LBM_MONITOR_INTERVAL environment variable to 5, you will turn on automatic monitoring for every UM context your application creates at 5 second intervals. If you then set monitor_interval to 10 for a particular context, all transport sessions in that context will be monitored every 10 seconds.

For XML configuration files, you can configure an automatic monitoring context by setting the <context> attribute name=infa_statistics_context.

See Automatic Monitoring for more information about this feature.

Reference  <-

monitor_appid (context)  <-

An application ID string used by automatic monitoring to identify the application generating the context and transport statistics.
See Monitoring for an overview of monitoring an Ultra Messaging network.
Scope: context
Type: string
When to Set: Can only be set during object initialization.
Version: This option was implemented in LBM 3.4/UME 2.1.

monitor_appid (event_queue)  <-

An application ID string used by automatic monitoring to identify the application generating the event queue statistics.
See Event Queue Object for a full description of Event Queues.
See Monitoring for an overview of monitoring an Ultra Messaging network.
Scope: event_queue
Type: string
When to Set: Can only be set during object initialization.
Version: This option was implemented in LBM 3.4/UME 2.1.

monitor_format (context)  <-

The LBMMON format module to be used for automatic monitoring.
See Monitoring for an overview of monitoring an Ultra Messaging network.
Scope: context
Type: int
When to Set: Can only be set during object initialization.
Version: This option was implemented in UM 6.14.

String value Integer value Description
"csv" LBM_CTX_ATTR_MON_FORMAT_CSV Use the LBMMON comma-separated values format module. Default for all.

Use the LBMMON Protocol Buffers format module. Not the default, but recommended; see Monitoring Format Modules.

monitor_format (event_queue)  <-

The LBMMON format module to be used for automatic monitoring.
See Event Queue Object for a full description of Event Queues.
See Monitoring for an overview of monitoring an Ultra Messaging network.
Scope: event_queue
Type: int
When to Set: Can only be set during object initialization.
Version: This option was implemented in UM 6.14.

String value Integer value Description
"csv" LBM_CTX_ATTR_MON_FORMAT_CSV Use the LBMMON comma-separated values format module. Default for all.

Use the LBMMON Protocol Buffers format module.

monitor_format_opts (context)  <-

An option string to be passed to the LBMMON format module for automatic monitoring of contexts and transports.
The option monitor_format (context) is used to select a formatting module for automatic monitoring. That module is passed the value string supplied for monitor_format_opts to configure the module. The format of the value string can vary, depending on the formatting module chosen. See Monitoring Format Modules for module-specific details, including the valid option strings.
For example, for the "pb" (protocol buffer) module, the following directs the formatting module to pass through and convert CSV data to protocol buffers:
context monitor_format_opts passthrough=convert
See Monitoring for an overview of monitoring an Ultra Messaging network.
Scope: context
Type: string
When to Set: Can only be set during object initialization.
Version: This option was implemented in UM 6.14

monitor_format_opts (event_queue)  <-

An option string to be passed to the LBMMON format module for automatic monitoring of event queues.
The option monitor_format (event_queue) is used to select a formatting module for automatic monitoring. That module is passed the value string supplied for monitor_format_opts to configure the module. The format of the value string can vary, depending on the formatting module chosen. See Monitoring Format Modules for module-specific details, including the valid option strings.
For example, for the "pb" (protocol buffer) module, the following directs the formatting module to pass through and convert CSV data to protocol buffers:
event_queue monitor_format_opts passthrough=convert
See Event Queue Object for a full description of Event Queues.
See Monitoring for an overview of monitoring an Ultra Messaging network.
Scope: event_queue
Type: string
When to Set: Can only be set during object initialization.
Version: This option was implemented in UM 6.14

monitor_interval (context)  <-

Interval at which automatic monitoring retrieves the statistics for a context and all transport sessions on that context.
Setting this option to zero (the default) disables automatic monitoring.
When enabled, a background context will sample and send the monitoring data. Note that a single monitoring context will be created and configured with the monitoring options.
See Monitoring for an overview of monitoring an Ultra Messaging network.
Scope: context
Type: lbm_ulong_t
Units: seconds
Default value: 0
When to Set: Can only be set during object initialization.
Version: This option was implemented in LBM 3.4/UME 2.1.

monitor_interval (event_queue)  <-

Interval at which automatic monitoring retrieves the statistics for an event queue.
Setting this option to zero (the default) disables the automatic monitoring of an event queue. When monitoring Event Queue statistics you must enable the Event Queue UM Configuration Options, queue_age_enabled (event_queue), queue_count_enabled (event_queue) and queue_service_time_enabled (event_queue). UM disables these options by default, which produces no event queue statistics.
See Monitoring for an overview of monitoring an Ultra Messaging network.
See Event Queue Object for a full description of Event Queues.
Scope: event_queue
Type: lbm_ulong_t
Units: seconds
Default value: 0
When to Set: Can only be set during object initialization.
Version: This option was implemented in LBM 3.4/UME 2.1.

monitor_interval (receiver)  <-

Interval at which automatic monitoring retrieves topic interest by the application.
Topic interest information contains source and topic information if the receiver has joined the source transport session. If the topic interest information is blank, the receiver has not joined a source transport session. UM System Monitoring uses this information to monitor the number of subscribed topics. Setting this option to zero (the default) disables the automatic monitoring of receiver interest.
Enabling this for applications with large numbers of receivers will produce very large amounts of monitoring data. It is not recommended unless the proto buffer formatting module is enabled.
See Monitoring for an overview of monitoring an Ultra Messaging network.
Scope: receiver
Type: lbm_ulong_t
Units: seconds
Default value: 0
When to Set: Can only be set during object initialization.
Version: This option was implemented in UM 6.5.

monitor_interval (wildcard_receiver)  <-

Interval at which automatic monitoring retrieves wildcard pattern interest by the application.
Topic interest information contains source and topic information if the receiver has joined the source transport session. If the topic interest information is blank, the receiver has not joined a source transport session. UM System Monitoring uses this information to monitor the number of subscribed topics. Setting this option to zero (the default) disables the automatic monitoring of a wildcard receiver interest.
Enabling this for applications with large numbers of receivers can produce very large amounts of monitoring data. It is not recommended unless the proto buffer formatting module is enabled.
See Monitoring for an overview of monitoring an Ultra Messaging network.
Scope: wildcard_receiver
Type: lbm_ulong_t
Units: seconds
Default value: 0
When to Set: Can only be set during object initialization.
Version: This option was implemented in UM 6.5.

monitor_transport (context)  <-

The LBMMON transport module to be used for automatic monitoring of a context and all transport sessions on that context.
The monitor_transport_opts (context) option passes configuration information to the selected transport module.
See Monitoring for an overview of monitoring an Ultra Messaging network.
Note that the UDP monitoring transport cannot be selected for automatic monitoring.
Scope: context
Type: int
When to Set: Can only be set during object initialization.
Version: This option was implemented in LBM 3.4/UME 2.1.

String value Integer value Description
"lbm" LBM_CTX_ATTR_MON_TRANSPORT_LBM Use the LBMMON lbm transport module. Default for all.

Use the LBMMON lbmsnmp transport module. This value is required if you use the UM SNMP Agent.

monitor_transport (event_queue)  <-

The LBMMON transport module to be used for automatic monitoring of event queues.
The monitor_transport_opts (event_queue) option passes configuration information to the selected transport module.
Note that the UDP monitoring transport cannot be selected for automatic monitoring.
See Event Queue Object for a full description of Event Queues.
See Monitoring for an overview of monitoring an Ultra Messaging network.
Scope: event_queue
Type: int
When to Set: Can only be set during object initialization.
Version: This option was implemented in LBM 3.4/UME 2.1.

String value Integer value Description
"lbm" LBM_CTX_ATTR_MON_TRANSPORT_LBM Use the LBMMON lbm transport module. Default for all.

Use the LBMMON lbmsnmp transport module. This value is required if you use the UM SNMP Agent.

monitor_transport_opts (context)  <-

An option string to be passed to the LBMMON transport module for automatic monitoring of contexts and transports.
The option monitor_transport (context) is used to select a transport module for automatic monitoring. That module is passed the value string supplied for monitor_transport_opts to configure the module. The format of the value string can vary, depending on the transport module chosen. See Monitoring Transport Modules for module-specific details.
For example, for the LBM and SNMP transport modules, the following directs the transport module to use a config file and overrides the resolver interface:
context monitor_transport_opts context|resolver_multicast_interface="en0";config=/um/mon.cfg
Some UM options specify interfaces, which can be done by supplying the device name of the interface. Special care must be taken when including this option in XML configuration files.
See Interface Device Names and XML for details.
See Monitoring for an overview of monitoring an Ultra Messaging network.
Scope: context
Type: string
When to Set: Can only be set during object initialization.
Version: This option was implemented in LBM 3.4/UME 2.1.

monitor_transport_opts (event_queue)  <-

An option string to be passed to the LBMMON transport module for automatic monitoring of event queues.
The option monitor_transport (event_queue) is used to select a transport module for automatic monitoring. That module is passed the value string supplied for monitor_transport_opts to configure the module. The format of the value string can vary, depending on the transport module chosen. See Monitoring Transport Modules for module-specific details.
For example, for the LBM and SNMP transport modules, the following directs the transport module to use a config file and overrides the resolver interface:
event_queue monitor_transport_opts context|resolver_multicast_interface="en0";config=/um/mon.cfg
Some UM options specify interfaces, which can be done by supplying the device name of the interface. Special care must be taken when including this option in XML configuration files.
See Interface Device Names and XML for details.
See Event Queue Object for a full description of Event Queues.
See Monitoring for an overview of monitoring an Ultra Messaging network.
Scope: event_queue
Type: string
When to Set: Can only be set during object initialization.
Version: This option was implemented in LBM 3.4/UME 2.1.