LBM API Data Structures

Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
lbm_apphdr_chain_elem_t_stctStructure that represents an element in an app header chain
lbm_async_operation_func_tStructure that holds information for asynchronous operation callbacks
lbm_async_operation_info_tResults struct returned via the user-specified asynchronous operation callback from any asynchronous API
lbm_context_event_func_t_stctStructure that holds the application callback for context-level events
lbm_context_event_umq_registration_complete_ex_t_stctStructure that holds information for contexts after registration is complete to all involved queue instances
lbm_context_event_umq_registration_ex_t_stctStructure that holds queue registration information for the UMQ context in an extended form
lbm_context_rcv_immediate_msgs_func_t_stctStructure that holds the application callback for receiving topic-less immediate mode messages
lbm_context_src_event_func_t_stctStructure that holds the application callback for context-level source events
lbm_context_stats_t_stctStructure that holds statistics for a context
lbm_ctx_umq_queue_topic_list_info_tStruct containing an array of queue topics retrieved via lbm_umq_queue_topic_list
lbm_delete_cb_info_t_stctStructure passed to the lbm_hypertopic_rcv_delete() function so that a deletion callback may be called
lbm_event_queue_cancel_cb_info_t_stctStructure passed to cancel/delete functions so that a cancel callback may be called
lbm_event_queue_stats_t_stctStructure that holds statistics for an event queue
lbm_flight_size_inflight_t_stctStructure that holds information for source total inflight messages and bytes
lbm_hf_sequence_number_t_stctStructure to hold a hot failover sequence number
lbm_iovec_t_stctStructure, struct iovec compatible, that holds information about buffers used for vectored sends
lbm_ipv4_address_mask_t_stctStructure that holds an IPv4 address and a CIDR style netmask
lbm_mim_unrecloss_func_t_stctStructure that holds the application callback for multicast immediate message unrecoverable loss notification
lbm_msg_channel_info_t_stctStructure that represents UMS Spectrum channel information
lbm_msg_fragment_info_t_stctStructure that holds fragment information for UM messages when appropriate
lbm_msg_gateway_info_t_stctStructure that holds originating information for UM messages which arrived via a gateway
lbm_msg_properties_iter_t_stctA struct used for iterating over properties pointed to by an lbm_msg_properties_t
lbm_msg_t_stctStructure that stores information about a received message
lbm_msg_ume_deregistration_ex_t_stctStructure that holds store deregistration information for the UM receiver in an extended form
lbm_msg_ume_registration_complete_ex_t_stctStructure that holds information for receivers after registration is complete to all involved stores
lbm_msg_ume_registration_ex_t_stctStructure that holds store registration information for the UM receiver in an extended form
lbm_msg_ume_registration_t_stctStructure that holds store registration information for the UMP receiver
lbm_msg_umq_deregistration_complete_ex_t_stctStructure that holds information for receivers after they de-register from a queue
lbm_msg_umq_index_assigned_ex_t_stctStructure that holds beginning-of-index information for receivers
lbm_msg_umq_index_assignment_eligibility_start_complete_ex_t_stctStructure that holds index assignment information for receivers
lbm_msg_umq_index_assignment_eligibility_stop_complete_ex_t_stctStructure that holds index assignment information for receivers
lbm_msg_umq_index_released_ex_t_stctStructure that holds end-of-index information for receivers
lbm_msg_umq_registration_complete_ex_t_stctStructure that holds information for receivers after registration is complete to all involved queue instances
lbm_rcv_src_notification_func_t_stctStructure that holds the application callback for source status notifications for receivers
lbm_rcv_transport_stats_daemon_t_stctStructure that holds statistics for receiver daemon mode transport (deprecated)
lbm_rcv_transport_stats_lbtipc_t_stctStructure that holds datagram statistics for receiver LBT-IPC transports
lbm_rcv_transport_stats_lbtrdma_t_stctStructure that holds datagram statistics for receiver LBT-RDMA transports
lbm_rcv_transport_stats_lbtrm_t_stctStructure that holds datagram statistics for receiver LBT-RM transports
lbm_rcv_transport_stats_lbtru_t_stctStructure that holds datagram statistics for receiver LBT-RU transports
lbm_rcv_transport_stats_t_stctStructure that holds statistics for receiver transports
lbm_rcv_transport_stats_tcp_t_stctStructure that holds datagram statistics for receiver TCP transports
lbm_rcv_umq_queue_msg_list_info_tStruct containing an array of UMQ messages listed via lbm_rcv_umq_queue_msg_list
lbm_rcv_umq_queue_msg_retrieve_info_tStruct containing an array of UMQ messages retrieved via lbm_rcv_umq_queue_msg_retrieve
lbm_serialized_response_t_stctStructure that holds a serialized UM response object
lbm_src_cost_func_t_stctStructure that holds the "source_cost_evaluation_function" context attribute
lbm_src_event_flight_size_notification_t_stctStructure that holds flight size notification event data
lbm_src_event_sequence_number_info_t_stctStructure that holds sequence number information for a message sent by a source
lbm_src_event_ume_ack_ex_info_t_stctStructure that holds ACK information for a given message in an extended form
lbm_src_event_ume_ack_info_t_stctStructure that holds ACK information for a given message
lbm_src_event_ume_deregistration_ex_t_stctStructure that holds store deregistration information for the UMP source in an extended form
lbm_src_event_ume_registration_complete_ex_t_stctStructure that holds information for sources after registration is complete to all involved stores
lbm_src_event_ume_registration_ex_t_stctStructure that holds store registration information for the UMP source in an extended form
lbm_src_event_ume_registration_t_stctStructure that holds store registration information for the UMP source
lbm_src_event_umq_message_id_info_t_stctStructure that holds Message ID information for a message sent by a sending UMQ application
lbm_src_event_umq_registration_complete_ex_t_stctStructure that holds information for sources after registration is complete to all involved queue instances
lbm_src_event_umq_stability_ack_info_ex_t_stctStructure that holds UMQ ACK information for a given message in an extended form
lbm_src_event_umq_ulb_message_info_ex_t_stctStructure that holds UMQ ULB message information in an extended form
lbm_src_event_umq_ulb_receiver_info_ex_t_stctStructure that holds UMQ ULB receiver information in an extended form
lbm_src_event_wakeup_t_stctStructure that holds source wakeup event data
lbm_src_notify_func_t_stctStructure that holds the callback for source notifications
lbm_src_send_ex_info_t_stctStructure that holds information for the extended send calls A structure used with UM sources that utilize the extended send calls to pass options
lbm_src_transport_stats_daemon_t_stctStructure that holds statistics for source daemon mode transport (deprecated)
lbm_src_transport_stats_lbtipc_t_stctStructure that holds datagram statistics for source LBT-IPC transports
lbm_src_transport_stats_lbtrdma_t_stctStructure that holds datagram statistics for source LBT-RDMA transports
lbm_src_transport_stats_lbtrm_t_stctStructure that holds datagram statistics for source LBT-RM transports
lbm_src_transport_stats_lbtru_t_stctStructure that holds datagram statistics for source LBT-RU transports
lbm_src_transport_stats_t_stctStructure that holds statistics for source transports
lbm_src_transport_stats_tcp_t_stctStructure that holds datagram statistics for source TCP transports
lbm_str_hash_func_ex_t_stctStructure that holds the hash function callback information
lbm_timeval_t_stctStructure that holds seconds and microseconds since midnight, Jan 1, 1970 UTC
lbm_transport_source_info_t_stctStructure that holds formatted and parsed transport source strings
lbm_ucast_resolver_entry_t_stctStructure that holds information for a unicast resolver daemon for configuration purposes
lbm_ume_ctx_rcv_ctx_notification_func_t_stctStructure that holds the application callback for receiving context status notifications for source context
lbm_ume_rcv_recovery_info_ex_func_info_t_stctStructure that holds information for UMP receiver recovery sequence number info application callbacks
lbm_ume_rcv_recovery_info_ex_func_t_stctStructure that holds the application callback for recovery sequence number information, extended form
lbm_ume_rcv_regid_ex_func_info_t_stctStructure that holds information for UMP receiver registration ID application callbacks
lbm_ume_rcv_regid_ex_func_t_stctStructure that holds the application callback for registration ID setting, extended form
lbm_ume_rcv_regid_func_t_stctStructure that holds the application callback for registration ID setting
lbm_ume_src_force_reclaim_func_t_stctStructure that holds the application callback for forced reclamation notifications
lbm_ume_store_entry_t_stctStructure that holds information for a UMP store for configuration purposes
lbm_ume_store_group_entry_t_stctStructure that holds information for a UMP store group for configuration purposes
lbm_ume_store_name_entry_t_stctStructure that holds information for a UMP store by name for configuration purposes
lbm_umm_info_t_stctStructure for specifying UMM daemon connection options
lbm_umq_index_info_t_stctStructure that holds information used for sending and receiving messages with UMQ indices
lbm_umq_msg_total_lifetime_info_t_stctStructure that holds UMQ message total lifetime information
lbm_umq_msgid_t_stctStructure that holds information for UMQ messages that allows the message to be identified uniquely
lbm_umq_queue_entry_t_stctStructure that holds information for a UMQ queue registration ID for configuration purposes
lbm_umq_queue_msg_status_tStruct containing extended asynchronous operation status information about a single UMQ message
lbm_umq_queue_topic_status_tStruct containing extended asynchronous operation status information about a single UMQ topic
lbm_umq_queue_topic_t_stctStructure that holds queue topic information and can be used as a handle to a queue topic
lbm_umq_ulb_application_set_attr_t_stctStructure that holds information for a UMQ ULB sources application set attributes
lbm_umq_ulb_receiver_type_attr_t_stctStructure that holds information for a UMQ ULB sources receiver type attributes
lbm_umq_ulb_receiver_type_entry_t_stctStructure that holds information for a UMQ ULB sources receiver type associations with application sets
lbm_wildcard_rcv_compare_func_t_stctStructure that holds the application callback pattern type information for wildcard receivers
lbm_wildcard_rcv_create_func_t_stctStructure that holds the receiver creation callback information for wildcard receivers
lbm_wildcard_rcv_delete_func_t_stctStructure that holds the receiver deletion callback information for wildcard receivers
lbmmon_attr_block_t_stctStatistics attribute block layout. Associated with each statistics message is a set of optional attributes. Any attributes present will immediately follow the packet header
lbmmon_attr_entry_t_stctStatistics attribute entry layout. Each attribute entry within the attributes block consists of an entry header, followed immediately by the attribute data
lbmmon_ctx_statistics_func_t_stctA structure that holds the callback information for context statistics
lbmmon_evq_statistics_func_t_stctA structure that holds the callback information for event queue statistics
lbmmon_format_func_t_stctFormat module function pointer container
lbmmon_packet_hdr_t_stctStatistics packet header layout
lbmmon_rcv_statistics_func_t_stctA structure that holds the callback information for receiver statistics
lbmmon_src_statistics_func_t_stctA structure that holds the callback information for source statistics
lbmmon_transport_func_t_stctTransport module function pointer container
lbmpdm_decimal_tStructure to hold a scaled decimal number. A scaled decimal number consists of a mantissa $m$ and an exponent $exp$. It represents the value $m\cdot 10^{exp}$
lbmpdm_field_info_attr_stct_tAttribute struct to be passed along with the name when adding field info to a definition
lbmpdm_field_value_stct_tField value struct that can be populated with a field value when passed to the lbmpdm_msg_get_field_value_stct function
lbmpdm_timestamp_tStructure to hold a timestamp value
lbmsdm_decimal_t_stctStructure to hold a scaled decimal number. A scaled decimal number consists of a mantissa $m$ and an exponent $exp$. It represents the value $m\cdot 10^{exp}$
ume_block_src_t_stctStructure used to designate an UME Block source
ume_liveness_receiving_context_t_stctStructure that holds the information about a receiving context

Generated on Thu Mar 6 13:11:16 2014 for LBM API by  doxygen 1.5.2