lbm_umq_queue_topic_t_stct Struct Reference

Structure that holds queue topic information and can be used as a handle to a queue topic.

#include <lbm.h>

Data Fields

char topic_name [LBM_UMQ_MAX_TOPIC_STRLEN]
lbm_umq_queue_application_set_t * appsets
int num_appsets
void * reserved

Field Documentation

char lbm_umq_queue_topic_t_stct::topic_name[LBM_UMQ_MAX_TOPIC_STRLEN]

The topic name string.

lbm_umq_queue_application_set_t* lbm_umq_queue_topic_t_stct::appsets

Array of application sets within this topic.

int lbm_umq_queue_topic_t_stct::num_appsets

Length of the application sets array.

void* lbm_umq_queue_topic_t_stct::reserved

Reserved field; do not touch.

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