lbm_src_event_umq_ulb_receiver_info_ex_t_stct Struct Reference

Structure that holds UMQ ULB receiver information in an extended form. More...

#include <lbm.h>

Data Fields

int flags
lbm_umq_regid_t registration_id
lbm_uint_t assignment_id
lbm_uint_t application_set_index

Detailed Description

A structure used with UMQ ULB source applications to indicate receiver events.

Field Documentation

int lbm_src_event_umq_ulb_receiver_info_ex_t_stct::flags

Flags that indicate which optional portions are included

lbm_umq_regid_t lbm_src_event_umq_ulb_receiver_info_ex_t_stct::registration_id

The registration ID of the receiver

lbm_uint_t lbm_src_event_umq_ulb_receiver_info_ex_t_stct::assignment_id

The Assignment ID of the receiver

lbm_uint_t lbm_src_event_umq_ulb_receiver_info_ex_t_stct::application_set_index

The Application Set Index the receiver is in

char lbm_src_event_umq_ulb_receiver_info_ex_t_stct::receiver[LBM_UMQ_ULB_MAX_RECEIVER_STRLEN]

The receivers immediate message target string

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated on Thu Mar 6 13:11:21 2014 for LBM API by  doxygen 1.5.2