lbm_umq_queue_topic_status_t Struct Reference

Struct containing extended asynchronous operation status information about a single UMQ topic.

#include <lbm.h>

Collaboration diagram for lbm_umq_queue_topic_status_t:

Collaboration graph

Data Fields

int status
int flags

Field Documentation

lbm_umq_queue_topic_t* lbm_umq_queue_topic_status_t::topic

UMQ topic info.

int lbm_umq_queue_topic_status_t::status

Status code for this topic (reserved for future use; will currently always be set to 0).

int lbm_umq_queue_topic_status_t::flags

Reserved flags field.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated on Thu Mar 6 13:11:24 2014 for LBM API by  doxygen 1.5.2