Starting UM daemons is not really a quick start operation, but the information provided in this should provide a good overview of the type of activities required to start these important UM components.
This section discusses the following topics.
The UM Gateway bridges disjoint topic resolution domains by forwarding multicast and/or unicast topic resolution traffic across gateways. Before installing and starting a gateway daemon (tnwgd) clear objectives and proper planning are very important. Approach this planning with the consideration that a gateway condenses your network into a single process. You must be clear about the traffic you expect to forward through a gateway. The following highlights some other specifics.
Know your Topic Resolution Domains. See Topic Resolution Domain.
Consider the size and quality of network paths into and out of your gateways. Obviously, gateways cannot efficiently forward message from a 1 GB path to a 100 MB path.
Fully examine any use of Late Join, taking care to configure retransmission options correctly.
All remote stores must be named stores.
The UMM Daemon stores UM XML configuration information defined in the GUI as well as user and license information. It serves license and configuration information to UM applications. The UMM Daemon requires either a MySQL™ or Oracle® database installation. Informatica does not supply MySQL or Oracle nor any licensing to use them. For additional information about the steps in this process, see UM Manager Daemon.
Note: The UMM GUI requires Java Version 1.6.x.
Install MySQL or Oracle according to the user documentation.
Create a database. (You provide the UMM Daemon with the database name, username and password at start up. This user name and password should be kept secure.)
Log into the database.
From the database's command line or home page, execute the /UMM/install_tables_oracle.sql or source /UMM/install_tables_mysql.sql script. (This script installs the tables required by UMM.)
From the database's command line or home page, load /UMM/oracle_templates.txt or /UMM/mysql_templates.txt. (This script loads the example configuration templates for low latency and high throughput. These templates appear in the UMM GUI under Templates in the object tree in the left pane.
For Oracle, load /UMM/oracle_templates.txt.
For MySQL, run LOAD DATA INFILE 'mysql_templates.txt' INTO TABLE TEMPLATE;.
From the database's command line or home page, load /UMM/oracle_application_jms.txt or /UMM/mysql_application_jms.txt. (This script loads the ConnectionFactories and Destinations required to run the example JMS applications. These templates appear in the UMM GUI under JMS/ConnectionFactory and JMS/Destination in the object tree in the left pane.)
For Oracle, load /UMM/oracle_application_jms.txt into the Application table.
For MySQL, run LOAD DATA INFILE 'mysql_application_jms.txt' INTO TABLE APPLICATION;.
Modify the /UMM/ to indicate the database username, password and driver to reflect your configuration database.
Edit the ummd.bat or file that starts UMM Daemon. The appropriate driver jar file name must be added to the classpath. Specify your certificate file or Java keystore information if using SSL certificates. The ummd.bat or provided with installation appears below.
java -cp .;mysql-connector-java-5.0.8-bin.jar;UMMD_1.6.0_02.jar -Xms512m -Xmx1024m umm.ummd.Server
Start the UMM Daemon with /UMM/ummd.bat or /UMM/
Edit the umm.bat or file that starts the UMM GUI. The appropriate driver jar file name must be added to the classpath. The umm.bat or provided with installation appears below.
java -cp .;mysql-connector-java-5.0.8-bin.jar;UMM_1.jar; -Xms256m -Xmx1024m umm.gui.MainFrame
Start the UMM GUI with /UMM/umm.bat or /UMM/
Log into the UMM GUI with username, default and password default. Either change the default user's password or create new administrative user and delete the default user. See Managing Users
To enable your UM applications to be served configuration information by UMM Daemon, set the following environment variable for every application/user combination.
export LBM_UMM_INFO=<application_name>:<user_name>:<password>@<ip>:<port>
For example:
export LBM_UMM_INFO=lbmrcv:lbmrcv:default:default@
The daemon, umestored, provides persistent store and queue services. Follow the steps below to start umestored.
Create the cache and state directories. $ mkdir umestored-cache ; mkdir umestored-state
Create a simple umestored XML configuration file (see Configuration Reference for Umestored) or use a sample configuration, ume-example-config.xml or q-example-config.xml
Start the daemon. $ umestored config.xml
See also Manpage for umestored.
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