Chapter 2. Example Configuration Scenarios

Table of Contents
2.1. Highest Throughput
2.2. Lowest Latency
2.3. Creating Multicast Sources
2.4. Disabling Aspects of Topic Resolution
2.5. Unicast Resolver
2.6. Configure Previous Port Defaults
2.7. Configure New Port Defaults
2.8. Interrelated Configuration Options

This chapter contains some example configuration scenarios.

2.1. Highest Throughput

The following configuration option tunes UMS for the highest possible throughput.

# LBM can be configured to make efficient use of CPU time, leading
# to the highest-possible throughput (bytes per second or messages
# per second).  This may come at the expense of latency at low
# message rates.  The following line configures LBM to accumulate
# 8KB of messages (or for wait implicit_batching_interval) before sending.
source implicit_batching_minimum_length 8192

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