In the unusual case that you must run older versions of Ultra Messaging® (less than LBM 3.3 / UME 2.0) on certain machine(s) and need these older version to work with the machines running the current versions of UMS and UMP, you can use the following configuration file for the older versions to synchronize port usage between old and current versions.
context mim_destination_port 14401 context mim_incoming_destination_port 14401 context mim_outgoing_destination_port 14401 context resolver_multicast_incoming_port 12965 context resolver_multicast_outgoing_port 12965 context resolver_multicast_port 12965 context resolver_unicast_destination_port 15380 context resolver_unicast_port_high 14406 context resolver_unicast_port_low 14402 source transport_lbtrm_destination_port 14400 context transport_lbtrm_source_port_high 14399 context transport_lbtrm_source_port_low 14390 context transport_lbtru_port_high 14389 receiver transport_lbtru_port_high 14379 context transport_lbtru_port_low 14380 receiver transport_lbtru_port_low 14360 context request_tcp_port_high 14395 context request_tcp_port_low 14391 context transport_tcp_port_high 14390 context transport_tcp_port_low 14371 source ume_primary_store_port 14567 source ume_secondary_store_port 14567 source ume_tertiary_store_port 14567
You may download the file. Most browsers let you right-click on the link and use the save link target function, or some variation.
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