5. UM Manager Daemon

The UMM Daemon serves license and configuration information to UM applications. A UMM Daemon requires either a umm.properties file or command line options. See ummd for information about the daemon's command line options. The UMM Daemon requires a license for either UMP or UMQ.

This section discusses the following topics.

5.1. UMM Configuration

Follow the procedure below to configure UMM.

  1. Edit the umm.properties file to specify your UMM database information, the daemon's port number and whether you will use SSL.

  2. Edit the ummd.bat or ummd.sh file that starts UMM Daemon. The appropriate driver jar file name must be added to the classpath. Specify your certificate file or Java keystore information if using SSL certificates.

  3. Edit the umm.bat or umm.sh file that starts the UMM GUI. The appropriate driver jar file name must be added to the classpath.

  4. See Connecting Your Applications to the UMM Daemon to configure your applications with either environment variables or APIs so they can connect to UMM Daemon.

  5. Optional. See Securing UMM Daemon Communication with SSL to configure SSL.

5.1.1. umm.properties

Contains database information such as the database username, password and driver. The simplest way to configure UMM is to edit this file to reflect your configuration database. The other two batch files or shell scripts automatically look to umm.properties for database information. This file, however, is optional. You could specify database information with options in the UMM Daemon and UMM GUI batch files or shell scripts. The umm.properties provided with installation appears below.

################## mySQL example ##############################
secure=false    #Only used by ummd.
port=15701  #Only used by ummd.
################## Oracle example ##############################

5.1.2. ummd.bat or ummd.sh

Specifies the needed information to run the UMM Daemon. By default, the ummd.bat/sh looks to umm.properties for database information. You can override the umm.properties file settings with ummd options. See Manpage for ummd. The ummd.bat or ummd.sh provided with installation appears below.

java -cp .;mysql-connector-java-5.0.8-bin.jar;UMMD_1.6.0_02.jar -Xms512m -Xmx1024m umm.ummd.Server

5.1.3. umm.bat or umm.sh

Specifies the needed information to run the UMM GUI. By default, the umm.bat/sh looks to umm.properties for database information. You can override the umm.properties file settings with ummd options. The umm.bat or umm.sh provided with installation appears below.

java -cp .;mysql-connector-java-5.0.8-bin.jar;UMM_1.jar; -Xms256m -Xmx1024m umm.gui.MainFrame

The same options available to the UMM Daemon (Manpage for ummd) are also available for the umm.bat batch file and the umm.sh shell script. The following two options are also available.

  • -a UMM username

  • -b UMM password

These options allow the UMM GUI user to skip the username and password dialog box when starting the GUI, but limits you to one user. See Managing Users for information about creating users and assigning passwords and applications to them.

5.2. Connecting Your Applications to the UMM Daemon

To use UMM with your installation of Ultra Messaging, you must use the following environment variable for every application/user combination.

export LBM_UMM_INFO=<application_name>:<user_name>:<password>@<ip>:<port>

For example:

export LBM_UMM_INFO=lbmrcv:default:default@
  1. At start up, your UM application contacts the UMM Daemon at the given ip and port. You can specify multiple daemon locations in comma-separated format (@<ip>:<port>, <ip>:<port>, <ip>:<port>). Your application tries to connect in a round robin fashion if the daemon with index 0 fails.

  2. If the connection succeeds, the UMM Daemon authenticates the connection with the user_name and password specified in the environment variable. (See Managing Users for information about creating users and assigning passwords and applications to them.)

  3. Upon successful authentication, the UMM Daemon serves the license and configuration information associated with the user and application_name.

    Note: Your UM application ignores any local licenses if it is configured for UMM. UMM can't be used to configure licenses for other UM daemons, such as umestored, tnwgd and lbmrd. These daemons must maintain their current local licensing.

  4. The UMM Daemon closes the connection with your application.

You can specify the same information directly in your applications with the C API, lbm_set_umm_info(), and the Java API and .NET API, LBM.setUmmInfo(LBMUMMInfo). These must be the first calls made by your applications.

Note: The UMM Daemon currently only supports the configuration of sending and/or receiving applications. It does not support UM configuration options for other UM daemons, such as umestored, tnwgd and lbmrd. If running any of these daemons in the same environment, you should unset the LBM_UMM_INFO variable, start these other daemons and then reset LBM_UMM_INFO.

5.3. Configuring the UMM Database

Informatica has demonstrated operation with JDBC interfaces to MySQL™ and Oracle® databases. You may be able to use other JDBC databases, but Informatica has only tested with MySQL and Oracle. This section discusses the following topics.

5.3.1. Oracle® Considerations

Informatica does not supply an Oracle database or any licensing to use Oracle. You can install an Oracle database either before or after installing UM. Drivers are not shipped with UM. The Oracle driver can be downloaded at http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/enterprise-edition/jdbc-10201-088211.html. The appropriate driver jar file name must be added to the classpath of the umm.bat/umm.sh and ummd.bat/ummd.sh scripts.

Configure Oracle with the following steps, which assume you have already installed UM.

  1. Install Oracle and create a database. (You provide the UMM Daemon with the database name, username and password at start up. This user name and password should be kept secure.)

  2. From the Oracle command line or database home page, log into your Oracle database.

  3. From the Oracle command line or database home page, load /UMM/install_tables_oracle.sql. (This script installs the tables required by UMM.)

  4. From the Oracle command line or database home page, load /UMM/oracle_templates.txt. (This script loads the example configuration templates for low latency and high throughput. These templates appear in the UMM GUI under Templates in the object tree in the left pane.)

  5. From the Oracle command line or database home page, load /UMM/oracle_application_jms.txt into the Application table. (This script loads the ConnectionFactories and Destinations required to run the example JMS applications. These templates appear in the UMM GUI under JMS/ConnectionFactory and JMS/Destination in the object tree in the left pane.)

You can now start the UMM Daemon on the command line or with the ummd.bat batch file or the ummd.sh shell script.

5.3.2. MySQL™ Considerations

Informatica does not supply MySQL or any licensing to use MySQL. You can install MySQL either before or after installing UM. Drivers are not shipped with UM. The MySQL driver can be downloaded at http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/j/5.0.html. The appropriate driver jar file name must be added to the classpath of the umm.bat/umm.sh and ummd.bat/ummd.sh scripts.

Configure MySQL with the following steps, which assume you have already installed UM.

  1. Install MySQL.

  2. Create a database. (You provide the UMM Daemon with the database name, username and password at start up. This user name and password should be kept secure.)

  3. Log into the MySQL with connect db_name.

  4. From the MySQL command prompt, run source /UMM/install_tables_mysql.sql. (This script installs the tables required by UMM.)

  5. From the MySQL command prompt, run LOAD DATA INFILE 'mysql_templates.txt' INTO TABLE TEMPLATE;. (This script loads the example configuration templates for low latency and high throughput. These templates appear in the UMM GUI under Templates in the object tree in the left pane.)

  6. From the MySQL command prompt, run LOAD DATA INFILE 'mysql_application_jms.txt' INTO TABLE APPLICATION;. (This script loads the ConnectionFactories and Destinations required to run the example JMS applications. These templates appear in the UMM GUI under JMS/ConnectionFactory and JMS/Destination in the object tree in the left pane.)

You can now start the UMM Daemon on the command line or with the ummd.bat batch file or the ummd.sh shell script.

5.4. Securing UMM Daemon Communication with SSL

UMM allows you to secure the TCP transmission of UMM credentials and UM license keys between the UMM Daemon and UM applications using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). You can implement a certificate-less, Transport Layer Security (TLS) option or provide your own certificate to authenticate the UMM Daemon. The following procedure explains how to secure UMM Daemon communications.

  1. In the umm.properties, set the secure option to true.


    If you run the UMM Daemon from the command line, use -s true.

  2. In the Connecting Your Applications to the UMM Daemon, pre-pend the application information with ssl:.

    export LBM_UMM_INFO=ssl:lbmrcv:default:default@
  3. To specify a certificate, insert the certificate path and filename as shown below. Be sure to also configure ummd.bat or ummd.sh with your keystore.

    export LBM_UMM_INFO=ssl_cert_file=path/filename:lbmrcv:default:default@

    A password for the certificate file is optional and would be specified as follows.

    export LBM_UMM_INFO=ssl_cert_file=path/filename:ssl_cert_file_password=psswrd:

You can specify the same information directly in your applications with the C API, lbm_set_umm_info(), and the Java API and .NET API, LBM.setUmmInfo(LBMUMMInfo). These must be the first calls made by your applications.

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