4.17. Multicast Immediate Messaging Network Options

The multicast address and port used for incoming and outgoing multicast immediate messages can be set with mim_address and mim_destination_port. A context may use different multicast addresses and/or ports for incoming and outgoing messages by setting mim_incoming_address, mim_outgoing_address, mim_incoming_destination_port, and/or mim_outgoing_destination_port. In case of conflict, UM uses the most recently set option.

As with LBT-RM on multi-homed hosts, the interface UM uses for MIM follows the interface used for multicast topic resolution. See resolver_multicast_interface.

Warning The addresses and ports you configure for MIM traffic should not overlap with any addresses or ports - or address and port ranges - configured for LBT-RM transports or Topic Resolution traffic. For example, do not use the same multicast address for both Topic Resolution (resolver_multicast_address) and MIM (mim_address). Use different addresses and ports for all multicast address options and port options.

See also Multicast Immediate Messaging for more information about this feature.

4.17.1. mim_address (context)

The IP multicast address that multicast immediate messages are sent to and received from.

Scope: context
Type: struct in_addr
Default value:
When to Set: Can only be set during object initialization.

4.17.2. mim_destination_port (context)

The UDP destination port that multicast immediate messages are sent to and received from.

Scope: context
Type: lbm_uint16_t
Default value: 14401
Byte order: Network
When to Set: Can only be set during object initialization.

4.17.3. mim_incoming_address (context)

The IP multicast address that multicast immediate messages are received from. Setting this option to turns off multicast immediate messaging (MIM).

Scope: context
Type: struct in_addr
Default value:
When to Set: Can only be set during object initialization.

4.17.4. mim_incoming_destination_port (context)

The UDP destination port that multicast immediate messages are received from.

Scope: context
Type: lbm_uint16_t
Default value: 14401
Byte order: Network
When to Set: Can only be set during object initialization.

4.17.5. mim_outgoing_address (context)

The IP multicast address that multicast immediate messages are sent to.

Scope: context
Type: struct in_addr
Default value:
When to Set: Can only be set during object initialization.

4.17.6. mim_outgoing_destination_port (context)

The UDP destination port that multicast immediate messages are sent to.

Scope: context
Type: lbm_uint16_t
Default value: 14401
Byte order: Network
When to Set: Can only be set during object initialization.

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