4.4. Multicast Resolver Network Options

Figure 4-1. Multicast resolver network options

See also Topic Resolution for more information.

4.4.1. resolver_multicast_address (context)

Multicast address used for Topic Resolution. This option automatically sets the values for resolver_multicast_incoming_address and resolver_multicast_outgoing_address as evidenced by the default values for all three options, which are the same.

Scope: context
Type: struct in_addr
Default value:
When to Set: Can only be set during object initialization.

4.4.2. resolver_multicast_incoming_address (context)

Incoming multicast address used for finer control of Topic Resolution. For example, if you want the context to listen on a different address/port than the resolver_multicast_address, set this option and resolver_multicast_incoming_port to different values. This value may be set to (INADDR_ANY), to switch off listening to topic resolution messages. This means that queries from receivers or advertisements from sources will not be handled. See also resolver_multicast_outgoing_address.

Scope: context
Type: struct in_addr
Default value:
When to Set: Can only be set during object initialization.

4.4.3. resolver_multicast_incoming_port (context)

Incoming multicast port used for finer control of Topic Resolution. For example, if you want the context to listen on a different address/port than the resolver_multicast_port, set this option and resolver_multicast_incoming_address to different values. See also resolver_multicast_outgoing_port.

Scope: context
Type: lbm_uint16_t
Default value: 12965
Byte order: Network
When to Set: Can only be set during object initialization.

4.4.4. resolver_multicast_interface (context)

Specifies which network interface UM sends/receives all multicast traffic (Topic Resolution, LBT-RM, Multicast Immediate Messaging). Can specify full IP address of interface, or just network part (see Specifying Interfaces for details). Default is set to default multicast interface as determined by UM (the first multicast-capable, non-loopback interface).

Scope: context
Type: lbm_ipv4_address_mask_t
Default value:
When to Set: Can only be set during object initialization.

4.4.5. resolver_multicast_outgoing_address (context)

Outgoing multicast address used for finer control of Topic Resolution. For example, if you want the context to send on a different address/port than the resolver_multicast_address, set this option and resolver_multicast_outgoing_port to different values. See also resolver_multicast_incoming_address.

Scope: context
Type: struct in_addr
Default value:
When to Set: Can only be set during object initialization.

4.4.6. resolver_multicast_outgoing_port (context)

Outgoing multicast port used for finer control of Topic Resolution. For example, if you want the context to send on a different address/port than the resolver_multicast_port, set this option and resolver_multicast_outgoing_address to different values. See also resolver_multicast_incoming_port.

Scope: context
Type: lbm_uint16_t
Default value: 12965
Byte order: Network
When to Set: Can only be set during object initialization.

4.4.7. resolver_multicast_port (context)

Multicast port used for Topic Resolution. This option automatically sets the values for resolver_multicast_incoming_port and resolver_multicast_outgoing_port as evidenced by the default values for all three options, which are the same.

Scope: context
Type: lbm_uint16_t
Default value: 12965
Byte order: Network
When to Set: Can only be set during object initialization.

4.4.8. resolver_multicast_receiver_socket_buffer (context)

Value used to set SO_RCVBUF value of the resolver receivers. In some cases the OS will not allow all of this value to be used. A value of 0 instructs UM to use the default OS values. See the section on socket buffer sizes for platform-dependent information. See also our white paper Topics in High Performance Messaging for background and guidelines on UDP buffer sizing.

Scope: context
Type: lbm_ulong_t
Units: bytes
Default value: 0 (use OS default)
When to Set: Can only be set during object initialization.

4.4.9. resolver_multicast_ttl (context)

The IP TTL (hop count) to use for a Topic Resolution packet. A value of 1 confines the packet to the local network (but may also cause high CPU usage on some routers). Also controls TTL on LBT-RM packets.

Scope: context
Type: lbm_uint8_t
Default value: 16
When to Set: May be set during operation.

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