com.latencybusters.umds.UMDSMessage.MSG_TYPE Class Reference

The types of data in a UMDSMessage. More...

Public Attributes

const int DATA = 1
 Application data.
const int LOSS = 2
 A loss event occurred.
const int DISCONNECT = 3
 A disconnect occurred.
const int SERVER_DENIED = 4
 Server Denied Request.
const int LOGIN_DENIED = 5
 Login Denied notification.
const int SERVER_STOPPED = 6
 Server Thread stopped notification.
const int STABLE = 7
 Message stability notification.
 Configuration Error.
const int REQUEST = 9
const int RESPONSE = 10
const int REQUEST_CANCELED = 11
const int SOURCE_CREATE = 12
 Source creation complete.
const int RECEIVER_CREATE = 13
 Receiver creation complete.
const int SOURCE_DELETE = 14
 Source delete complete.
const int RECEIVER_DELETE = 15
 Receiver delete complete.
const int CONNECT = 16
 Client connect complete.
const int LOGIN_COMPLETE = 17
 Client login complete.
const int LOGOUT_COMPLETE = 18
 Client logout complete.

Detailed Description

The types of data in a UMDSMessage.

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