Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 CUMDSBase functionality for UMDS clients
 CERRCODEThe ERRCODE class collects the standard error codes to be used with the UMDS client API. All client error codes shall be 32 bits (int). Errcodes generated from the server will have the SERVER_STATUS bit set to differentiate if the error is from the client or server side. Applications can simply cast to an int to get the real error and mask against SERVER_STATUS to determine of the error came from the server if they care
 CLOG_LEVELCollection of int values for the logging level
 CUMDSAuthenticationExceptionException used to indicate the connection is unauthorised
 CUMDSBadStateExceptionException used to indicate the connection is unauthorised
 CUMDSCapabilitiesExceptionException used to indicate a required capability is not allowed
 CUMDSDisconnectExceptionException used to indicate the connection ended
 CUMDSExceptionThe base class for UMDS exception handling. It provides additional debugging capabilities in the form of storing exception stack traces for later dumping
 CUMDSNoDataExceptionException used to indicate there was no data when an operation expected some
 CUMDSPermissionsExceptionException used to indicate an operation is not permitted
 CUMDSDumpThis class is a general utility to aid dumping blocks of data in a debuggable (hex) form. It provides static methods to dump to the console
 CUMDSInternalMessageClass UMDSInternalMessage is the class used internally to the UMDS clients
 CUMDSMessageClass UMDSMessage is the main message class for UMDS clients. Application data is sent or received using UMDSMessage objects
 CMSG_STATUSAncillary status where applicable
 CMSG_TYPEThe types of data in a UMDSMessage
 CUMDSMessageFormatterClass UMDSMessageFormatter is the class which generates UMDSInternalMessages for UMDS clients
 CUMDSMessageOptionsUMDSMessageOptions provides options to be used on a per message basis
 CUMDSParameterClass UMDSParameter is the class which represents params in a UMDSInternalMessage for UMDS clients. It contains inner classes which represent the different parameter types, but extends UMDSParameter which holds commonly used data. It also implements the formatting of the individual parameters
 CUMDSPersistentReceiverClass to receive persisted messages by a topic or wildcard receiver
 CUMDSReceiverClass UMDSReceiver is the receiving class for UMDS receivers. Applications shall derive from it to implement their receiving object. Applications must override the onMessage() API to receive data. Separate constructors are defined for regular and wildcard receivers. Applications have the choice of using the wildcard constructor or the UMDSWildcardReceiver class to implement wildcard receivers
 CUMDSReceiverBaseClass UMDSReceiverBase is the collection of common functionality for all UMDS receiving classes. It is purely internal
 CUMDSReceiverRecoveryInfoClass to give applications access to persistence-related information, and to allow limited control over persistent recovery
 CUMDSReceiverRecoveryInfoCallbackThis callback interface allows the application access to persistence related information
 CUMDSServerConnectionClass UMDSServerConnection is the main class for UMDS clients. Applications are expected to derive from this class. It has several inner classes to simplify the applications need to derive many classes. An application may want to derive from this class in the following scenarios: 1) To implement their own notification handler 2) To implement their own logging functions 3) To implement their own exception handlers 4) Any combination of the above (probably all)
 CUMDSServerThreadClass UMDSServerThread is the internal class for managing the UMDS thread
 CUMDSSourceClass UMDSSource is the class for UMDS sources
 CUMDSSourceBaseClass UMDSSourceBase is the collection of common functionality for all UMDS Source classes. It is purely internal
 CUMDSTestAppClass UMDSMessage is the main message class for UMDS clients
 CUMDSWildcardReceiverClass UMDSWildcardReceiver is the receiving class for UMDS receivers using a wildcard topic string. Applications shall derive from it to implement their receiving object. Applications must override the onMessage() API to receive data