Configuration Guide
Wildcard Receiver Options

Reference  <-

pattern_type (wildcard_receiver)  <-

The type of expression UM uses to compare wildcard receiver patterns to new topics seen in topic advertisements or responses to wildcard receiver queries.
As of UM Version 6.1, wildcard receivers must use PCRE expressions.
Scope: wildcard_receiver
Type: int
When to Set: Can only be set during object initialization.

String value Integer value Description
"pcre" LBM_WILDCARD_RCV_PATTERN_TYPE_PCRE The pattern is a regular expression usable by PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions) library. Default for all.
DEPRECATED in UM Version 6.1.

The pattern is a regular expression usable by POSIX Extended Regular Expressions.

DEPRECATED in UM Version 6.1.

The wildcard receiver ignores the pattern and calls an application callback set by the pattern_callback (wildcard_receiver) option.

receiver_create_callback (wildcard_receiver)  <-

Callback function (and associated client data pointer) that is called when a receiver is about to be created for a topic which matched a wildcard receiver pattern.
This callback is called by the context thread and can not use an event queue. Therefore the callback function used should not block or it will delay reception of latency-sensitive messages.
The callback function should always return 0.
Scope: wildcard_receiver
Type: lbm_wildcard_rcv_create_func_t
Default value: NULL
When to Set: Can only be set during object initialization.
Config File: Cannot be set from an UM configuration file.
Version: This option was implemented in LBM 3.4/UME 2.1.

receiver_delete_callback (wildcard_receiver)  <-

Callback function (and associated client data pointer) that is called when a receiver is about to be deleted.
This callback is called by the context thread and can not use an event queue. Therefore the callback function used should not block or it will delay reception of latency-sensitive messages.
The callback function should always return 0.
Scope: wildcard_receiver
Type: lbm_wildcard_rcv_delete_func_t
Default value: NULL
When to Set: Can only be set during object initialization.
Config File: Cannot be set from an UM configuration file.
Version: This option was implemented in LBM 3.4/UME 2.1.

resolver_no_source_linger_timeout (wildcard_receiver)  <-

This sets the linger timeout value before a topic with no sources is removed and cleaned up.
Since wildcard receivers set the resolution_no_source_notification_threshold (receiver) to 10, the linger timer starts after the wildcard receiver sends 10 queries and subsequently receives a no-source notification.
Scope: wildcard_receiver
Type: lbm_ulong_t
Units: milliseconds
Default value: 1000 (1 second)
When to Set: Can only be set during object initialization.

resolver_query_maximum_interval (wildcard_receiver)  <-

The longest - and last - interval in wildcard receiver topic querying.
This option has an effective minimum of 30 ms. See UDP-Based Resolver Operation Options.
A value of 0 disables wildcard receiver topic querying. Informatica recommends against disabling all queries; see Disabling Aspects of Topic Resolution.
Scope: wildcard_receiver
Type: lbm_ulong_t
Units: milliseconds
Default value: 1000 (1 second)
When to Set: Can only be set during object initialization.
Version: This option was implemented in LBM 4.0

resolver_query_minimum_duration (wildcard_receiver)  <-

The duration of wildcard queries in wildcard receiver topic querying.
Only PCRE and regex pattern types can use wildcard queries. A value of 0 guarantees that wildcard receiver topic querying never completes.
Scope: wildcard_receiver
Type: lbm_ulong_t
Units: seconds
Default value: 60 (1 minute)
When to Set: Can only be set during object initialization.
Version: This option was implemented in LBM 4.0

resolver_query_minimum_interval (wildcard_receiver)  <-

Interval between the first topic query sent upon creation of the wildcard receiver and the second query sent by the receiver.
This option has an effective minimum of 30 ms. See UDP-Based Resolver Operation Options.
A value of 0 disables wildcard receiver topic querying. Informatica recommends against disabling all queries; see Disabling Aspects of Topic Resolution.
Scope: wildcard_receiver
Type: lbm_ulong_t
Units: milliseconds
Default value: 50 (0.05 seconds)
When to Set: Can only be set during object initialization.
Version: This option was implemented in LBM 4.0

resolver_wildcard_queries_per_second (context)  <-

Maximum number of queries sent within a one second period during wildcard receiver topic querying.
A value of 0 means that queries for the wildcard topic are not limited to a maximum number of queries per second.
Note that the topic's queries are still subject to being rate limited by resolver_wildcard_query_bps (context).
Refer to Rate Controls for additional information.
Scope: context
Type: lbm_ulong_t
Units: advertisements
Default value: 0
When to Set: Can only be set during object initialization.
Version: This option was implemented in LBM 4.0

resolver_wildcard_query_bps (context)  <-

Maximum query rate during wildcard receiver topic querying.
A value of 0 means that queries for the wildcard topic are not limited to a maximum number of bits per second. Note that the topic's queries are still subject to being rate limited by resolver_wildcard_queries_per_second (context).
Refer to Rate Controls for additional information.
Scope: context
Type: lbm_uint64_t
Units: bits per second
Default value: 1000000
When to Set: Can only be set during object initialization.
Version: This option was implemented in LBM 4.0

resolver_wildcard_receiver_map_tablesz (context)  <-

The size of the hash table used for storing wildcard receiver patterns.
A value of 0 disables caching wildcard receiver patterns. This value should be a prime number.
Scope: context
Type: size_t
Units: map entries
Default value: 10273
When to Set: Can only be set during object initialization.