Ultra Messaging JMS Guide

March 2014

Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Ultra Messaging JMS Overview
3. Life Cycle of an Ultra Messaging JMS Application
4. JNDI Administered Objects
5. Ultra Messaging JMS Configuration
6. Asynchronous Message Delivery
7. Message Selectors
8. Session IDs
9. Request/Reply Sample Applications

1. Introduction

The Ultra Messaging® JMS API lets you develop or port Java messaging applications written per the JMS (Java Message Servicea) specification and still utilize much of the flexibility and performance benefits of Ultra Messaging. Ultra Messaging JMS is included with the Ultra Messaging UMQ edition.

This document describes how Ultra Messaging JMS integrates JMS applications with Ultra Messaging, and requires that you have a background in JMS and Ultra Messaging concepts. Please refer to the following:

The following specific issues regarding JMS compliance are not fully supported in the 5.3.6 (or earlier) release of Ultra Messaging JMS.

The following UM features are currently not fully supported in the 5.3.6 (or earlier) release of Ultra Messaging JMS. For information on UM feature support, see Interoperability.

Informatica is aware of the following issues:

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