See also Request/Response for more information about this feature.
Allows you to turn off request port binding. Setting this option to 0 prevents sockets from being bound to the request port. Turning off request port binding also turns off the UM features: Request/Response, Late Join, the reception of Unicast Immediate Messages and UMP.
Specifies the network interface over which UM accepts TCP connections in response to requests it has sent out. You can specify a full IP address of interface, or just the network part (see Specifying Interfaces for details). Default is set to INADDR_ANY, meaning that it will not bind to a specific interface. You can also modify the default by setting the option to which produces the same result.
Port number used for listening for responses from requests. If 0, use a random open port within the range of [request_tcp_port_low, request_tcp_port_high]. If nonzero, the specific port number is used instead. Each UM context will bind to a TCP port for requests when it is initialized.
High port number to use for listening for responses from requests.
Low port number to use for listening for responses from requests.
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