Operations Guide
Man Pages for MCS

Monitoring data collection services for UM are provided by MCS.

See Monitoring Collector Service (MCS).

There are two executables for MCS, each with it's own man page:

Note that these executables are not in the same "bin" directory as the platform native UM executables. Since it is a Java program, it has its own directory sub-tree, "MCS", with sub-directories "bin" and "lib". For example, the UMS version 6.14 MCS executables are under "UMS_6.14/MCS/bin".

However, MCS does use the underlying platform-specific UM library, so your proper paths should be set up.

MCS Man Page  <-

Unix and Windows command-line interface.

Usage: MCS [options] [configfile]
Available options:
  -h, --help                 help
  -p, --property-keys        dump the list of supported property keys to stdout and exit
  -v, --validate             validate config file and exit
  -V, --verbose              be verbose about each message
  -x, --xsd                  dump the configuration XSD to stdout and exit
The MCS command runs the Monitoring Collector Service (MCS). It can be run interactively from a shell or command prompt, or from a script or batch file. (For use as a Windows Service, see Mcsds Man Page.)
Exit Status
The exit status from MCS is 0 for success and some non-zero value for failure.

Mcsds Man Page  <-

Windows Service interface.

See UM Daemons as Windows Services for general information about UM daemons as Windows Services.

Usage: mcsds [options] mcs_cfgfile_name
Available options:
  -h, --help                  display this help and exit
  -l, --service-log=FILE      set a logfile name for the service log.
  -p, --process-log=FILE      set a logfile name for the mcs process output.
  -s, --service=request       Install, remove or add a configuration file.
                              Examples: '-s install' to install the service with no config file
                                '-s install cfgfile.xml' to install the service with a configuration file of cfgfile.xml
                                '-s remove' to remove the service
                                '-s config cfg2.xml' to change or add a configuration file
  -e, --event-log-level       Update/set service logging level.  This is the minimum logging
                              level to send to the Windows event log.  Valid values are:
                                NONE - Send no events
                                WARN - default
  -E, --env_var_file          update/set the environment Variable File
The mcsds command has two functions:
  • First, it lets the user supply Windows Service operating parameters, which the command saves into the Windows registry. Those operating parameters are subsequently used by the MCS Service. See Configure the Windows Service.
  • Second, it provides Windows with the MCS daemon executable to run as a Service.
The "mcs_cfgfile_name" parameter specifies the file path for the MCS's XML configuration file. It is supplied in conjunction with the "-s config" option (see below). See MCS Configuration File for configuration details.
The "-l" option specifies a "service" log file path, which is saved in the Windows registry and subsequently by the Windows Service. Under normal circumstances, this log file will never be written to. It will be written if the MCS is unsuccessful in starting up as a service. (The normal MCS log file is configured differently, using the <log> element in the configuration file.)
The "-p" option specifies a "process" log file path, which is saved in the Windows registry and subsequently by the Windows Service. Under normal circumstances, this log file will never be written to. It will be written if the Java JVM writes to standard out or standard error, of if the MCS is not able to write to its configured log file.
By default, the MCS's configuration file uses <log type="console">. In this case, normal MCS logs are written to standard out and will be captured in the "process" log file. This is not recommended as it leads to unbounded growth of the log file. Users should set <log type="file"> and related attributes to control the log file sizes.
For "-s install" see Install the Windows Service.
For "-s remove" see Remove the Windows Service.
For "-s config" and "-e", see Configure the Windows Service.
The "-h" option prints the man page and exits.
Exit Status
The exit status from MCS is 0 for success and some non-zero value for failure.
Do not use the task manager or the "kill" command to stop a UM daemon running as a Windows service. Use the Windows service control panel to stop the service.