UM .NET API  6.17
com.latencybusters.pdm Namespace Reference

Main classes for the Ultra Messaging Pre-Defined Messages API. See Pre-Defined Messages for general information on PDM. More...


class  PDMDecimal
 A representation of a decimal with an exponent and mantissa (in the form: a x 10^b) More...
class  PDMDefinition
 The message definition class that needs to be populated and finalized before using in a PDMMessage. More...
class  PDMDefinitionCache
 A cache to store PDMDefinitions by their id and version. More...
class  PDMDeserializer
 Used to deserialize bytes into the appropriate type. More...
class  PDMException
 An exception class thrown by the PDM library. More...
class  PDMField
 A field is element in the message that contains the value and a reference back to the field information that was created in the PDMDefinition. More...
class  PDMFieldInfo
 A handle to field information returned from a PDMDefinition that is used when adding a field value to a PDMMessage. More...
class  PDMFieldIterator
 The PDMFieldIterator is used to iterate through each PDMField in a PDMMessage. Check isValueSet() before accessing its value to determine if the PDMField has been set. More...
class  PDMFieldType
 PDMFieldType enumeration used when adding field information to a PDMDefinition. More...
class  PDMMessage
 A PDM message consists of a definition and the corresponding optional and required fields as specified by the definition. Use PDMMessage#toBytes() to serialize a message to bytes or PDMMessage#parse(byte[]) to deserialize a message from bytes. More...
class  PDMMessageHeader
 The message header is the class used internally to represent the header of a PDM message. More...
class  PDMOffsetTable
 The PDMOffsetTable is used internally by a PDMMessage when optional or variable fields are set and then is written on the wire as field id and offset into the data segment. More...
class  PDMSection
 The PDMSection class is an internal class used as a wrapper around the byte buffer to store a PDMField's value. More...
class  PDMSegmentHeader
 The chained segment header is the internal PDM header class used by the different PDM segments of a message. It includes a next header type as well as the length of its corresponding segment. More...
class  PDMSerializer
 Used to serialize a type into an array of bytes. More...
class  PDMTimestamp
 A representation of a PDMTimestamp with the number of seconds and microseconds since the epoch. More...

Detailed Description

Main classes for the Ultra Messaging Pre-Defined Messages API. See Pre-Defined Messages for general information on PDM.