

tnwgd -- UM Gateway Daemon


tnwgd [-d] [--dump-dtd] [-h] [--help] [-f] [--detach] [-v] [--validate] configfile


Gateway services are provided by tnwgd. A gateway configuration file is required. The contents and format of the configuration file are documented separately.

The DTD used to validate a configuration file will be dumped to standard output with -d or --dump-dtd. After dumping the DTD, tnwgd exits instead of providing gateway services as usual.

The configuration file will be validated against the DTD if either the -v or --validate options are given. After attempting validation, tnwgd exits instead of providing gateway services as usual. The exit status will be 0 for a configuration file successfully validated by the DTD, and non-zero otherwise.

tnwgd normally remains attached to the controlling terminal and runs until interrupted. If the -f or --detach options are given, tnwgd instead forks, detaches the child from the controlling terminal, and the parent exits immediately.

Command line help is available with -h or --help.

Exit Status

The exit status from tnwgd is 0 for success and some non-zero value for failure.

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