tnwgd.dtd: Elements - Entities - Source | Intro - Index

     Configuration for the UM Gateway Daemon.
     @title UM Gateway
     @root tnw-gateway
<!-- The root element of the UM gateway configuration. -->
<!ELEMENT tnw-gateway (daemon?, portals)>
<!-- @attr version UM Gateway DTD version used. -->
<!ATTLIST tnw-gateway
          version (1.0) #REQUIRED
<!-- Specifies the global daemon configuration. -->
<!ELEMENT daemon (log?, uid?, gid?, pidfile?, lbm-license-file?, topicmap?, patternmap?, monitor?, web-monitor?, propagation-delay?, xml-config?)>
<!-- Indicates the file where log messages are sent. -->
<!ELEMENT log ( #PCDATA )>
      @attr type Type of logging. For syslog and console, the filename is ignored.
      @attr xml:space How whitespace is to be handled. "default" trims leading
            and trailing whitespace, and compress multiple whitespace characters
            into a single character. "preserve" preserves the whitespace exactly
            as read.
          type (file | syslog | console) "console"
          xml:space (default | preserve) "default"
<!-- Pathname for daemon process ID (PID) file. -->
<!ELEMENT pidfile ( #PCDATA )>
      @attr xml:space How whitespace is to be handled. "default" trims leading
            and trailing whitespace, and compress multiple whitespace characters
            into a single character. "preserve" preserves the whitespace exactly
            as read.
<!ATTLIST pidfile xml:space (default | preserve) "default">
<!-- User ID (UID) for daemon process (if run as root) -->
<!ELEMENT uid ( #PCDATA )>
<!-- Group ID (GID) for daemon process (if run as root) -->
<!ELEMENT gid ( #PCDATA )>
<!-- Specifies the LBM license file. -->
<!ELEMENT lbm-license-file ( #PCDATA )>
      @attr xml:space How whitespace is to be handled. "default" trims leading
            and trailing whitespace, and compress multiple whitespace characters
            into a single character. "preserve" preserves the whitespace exactly
            as read.
<!ATTLIST lbm-license-file xml:space (default | preserve) "default">
<!-- Determines characteristics of the internal topic maps. -->
<!ELEMENT topicmap EMPTY>
    @attr hash-function Topic map hash function to use.
    @attr size Number of entries in the topic map.
<!ATTLIST topicmap
          hash-function ( classic | djb2 | sdbm | murmur2 ) "murmur2"
          size CDATA "131111"
<!-- Determines characteristics of the internal pattern maps. -->
<!ELEMENT patternmap EMPTY>
    @attr hash-function Pattern map hash function to use.
    @attr size Number of entries in the pattern map.
<!ATTLIST patternmap
          hash-function ( classic | djb2 | sdbm | murmur2 ) "murmur2"
          size CDATA "131111"
<!-- Portal definitions. -->
<!ELEMENT portals (endpoint | peer)+>
<!-- Endpoint portal definition. -->
<!ELEMENT endpoint (name, domain-id, cost?, lbm-config?, lbm-attributes?, acl?, topic-resolution?, late-join?, topic-purge?, topic-interest-generate?, topic-domain-activity?, pattern-purge?, pattern-interest-generate?, pattern-domain-activity?, source-context-name?, receiver-context-name?, sqn-window?, context-query? )>
<!-- Peer portal definition. -->
<!ELEMENT peer (name, cost?, (tcp | single-tcp), max-queue?, max-datagram?, batching?, lbm-config?, lbm-attributes?, acl?, topic-purge?, topic-interest-generate?, topic-domain-activity?, pattern-purge?, pattern-interest-generate?, pattern-domain-activity?, topic-use-check?, pattern-use-check?, source-context-name?, receiver-context-name?, sqn-window?, context-query?, gateway-keepalive? )>
<!-- Portal name. -->
<!ELEMENT name ( #PCDATA )>
      @attr xml:space How whitespace is to be handled. "default" trims leading
            and trailing whitespace, and compress multiple whitespace characters
            into a single character. "preserve" preserves the whitespace exactly
            as read.
<!ATTLIST name xml:space (default | preserve) "default">
<!-- Portal domain ID. -->
<!ELEMENT domain-id ( #PCDATA )>
<!-- Portal cost. -->
<!ELEMENT cost ( #PCDATA )>
<!-- TCP configuration. -->
<!ELEMENT tcp (interface?, listen-port, receive-buffer?, send-buffer?, keepalive?, nodelay?, companion )>
<!-- TCP interface specification. May be specified in dotted-decimal or CIDR format. -->
<!ELEMENT interface ( #PCDATA )>
<!-- Port on which to listen for connections from the companion peer portal.
     Companion peer portal must specify this port as it's companion port. -->
<!ELEMENT listen-port ( #PCDATA )>
<!-- Size of TCP receive buffer. If not specified, the system default size is used. -->
<!ELEMENT receive-buffer ( #PCDATA )>
<!-- Size of TCP send buffer. If not specified, the system default size is used. -->
<!ELEMENT send-buffer ( #PCDATA )>
<!-- Enable TCP keepalive. Disabled by default.  -->
<!ELEMENT keepalive EMPTY >
<!-- Enable TCP nodelay. Disabled by default. -->
<!ELEMENT nodelay EMPTY >
<!-- Description of companion peer portal. -->
<!ELEMENT companion (address, port)>
    @attr reconnect-interval Time interval, in milliseconds, to wait before reconnecting to the companion portal.
<!ATTLIST companion
          reconnect-interval CDATA "5000"
<!-- Companion peer portal address. Specified in dotted-decimal format. -->
<!ELEMENT address ( #PCDATA )>
<!-- Port to connect to on companion peer portal.
     Companion peer portal must specify this port as it's listen-port. -->
<!ELEMENT port ( #PCDATA )>
<!-- Single TCP configuration. -->
<!ELEMENT single-tcp (interface?, receive-buffer?, send-buffer?, keepalive?, nodelay?, (initiator | acceptor ) )>
<!-- Single-TCP initiator configuration -->
<!ELEMENT initiator (address, port)>
    @attr reconnect-interval Time interval, in milliseconds, to wait before reconnecting to the companion portal.
<!ATTLIST initiator
          reconnect-interval CDATA "5000"
<!-- Single-TCP acceptor configuration -->
<!ELEMENT acceptor (listen-port)>
<!-- Maximum queue size. If not specified, it defaults to 1000000 bytes. -->
<!ELEMENT max-queue ( #PCDATA )>
<!-- Maximum peer datagram size. If not specified, it defaults to 65535 bytes. -->
<!ELEMENT max-datagram ( #PCDATA )>
<!-- Peer batching configuration. Batching applies to data messages only: control messages     are sent immediately (flushing any batched data messages). -->
<!ELEMENT batching (min-length?, batch-interval?)>
<!-- The minimum length of a set of batched messages. When the total length of the batched messages
     reaches or exceeds this value, the batch is sent. If not specified, it defaults to 8192 bytes. -->
<!ELEMENT min-length ( #PCDATA )>
<!-- The maximum interval (in milliseconds) between when the first message of an batch is queued until the batch is sent.
     A message will not stay in the queue longer than this value before being sent in the worse case.
     If not specified, it defaults to200 milliseconds. The minimum allowed value
     is 3 milliseconds. -->
<!ELEMENT batch-interval ( #PCDATA )>
<!-- LBM configuration filename. -->
<!ELEMENT lbm-config ( #PCDATA )>
      @attr xml:space How whitespace is to be handled. "default" trims leading
            and trailing whitespace, and compress multiple whitespace characters
            into a single character. "preserve" preserves the whitespace exactly
            as read.
<!ATTLIST lbm-config xml:space (default | preserve) "default">
<!-- Set of LBM attributes to apply. Will override any defaults or attribute values in lbm-config. -->
<!ELEMENT lbm-attributes (option+)>
<!-- An individual LBM option. -->
      @attr scope Option scope
      @attr name Option name
      @attr value Option value
<!ATTLIST option
          scope (receiver | context | source | wildcard_receiver | event_queue) #REQUIRED
          name CDATA #REQUIRED
          value CDATA #REQUIRED
<!-- Specifies ACL for filtering, consisting of Access Control Entries (ACEs). -->
<!ELEMENT acl (inbound?, outbound?)>
<!-- Inbound ACLs. Determines what a portal allows to be forwarded from its topic
     resolution domain to other portals. -->
<!ELEMENT inbound (ace+)>
<!-- Outbound ACLs. Determines what a portal allows to be forwarded to its topic
     resolution domain from other portals. -->
<!ELEMENT outbound (ace+)>
<!-- Access control entry (ACE). -->
<!ELEMENT ace (topic | pcre-pattern | regex-pattern | transport | source-ip | multicast-group | udp-source-port | udp-destination-port | tcp-source-port | xport-id)+ >
      @attr match Action on matching this ACE
<!ATTLIST ace match (accept | reject) #REQUIRED >
<!-- Specifies a topic ACE. -->
<!ELEMENT topic ( #PCDATA )>
    @attr xml:space How whitespace is to be handled. "default" trims leading
          and trailing whitespace, and compress multiple whitespace characters
          into a single character. "preserve" preserves the whitespace exactly
          as read.
<!ATTLIST topic
          xml:space (default | preserve) "default"
<!-- Specifies a PCRE topic pattern ACE. -->
<!ELEMENT pcre-pattern ( #PCDATA )>
    @attr xml:space How whitespace is to be handled. "default" trims leading
          and trailing whitespace, and compress multiple whitespace characters
          into a single character. "preserve" preserves the whitespace exactly
          as read.
<!ATTLIST pcre-pattern
          xml:space (default | preserve) "default"
<!-- Specifies a REGEX topic pattern ACE. -->
<!ELEMENT regex-pattern ( #PCDATA )>
    @attr xml:space How whitespace is to be handled. "default" trims leading
          and trailing whitespace, and compress multiple whitespace characters
          into a single character. "preserve" preserves the whitespace exactly
          as read.
<!ATTLIST regex-pattern
          xml:space (default | preserve) "default"
<!-- Specifies a transport-type ACE. -->
<!ELEMENT transport EMPTY>
      @attr value Transport type value. Allowable values are "tcp", "lbt-rm",
            "lbtrm", "lbt-ru", "lbtru", "lbt-ipc", and "lbtipc".
      @attr comparison Relation between the transport type and the specified
            value which must be true for this ACE to match. Allowable values are:
              <dt>"eq", "equal"</dt>
              <dd>The transport type must be equal to the specified value.</dd>
              <dt>"ne", "notequal"</dt>
              <dd>The transport type must not be equal to the specified value.</dd>
<!ATTLIST transport
          value (tcp | lbt-rm | lbtrm | lbt-ru | lbtru | lbt-ipc | lbtipc) #REQUIRED
          comparison (eq | equal | ne | notequal) #REQUIRED
<!-- Specifies a source IP ACE. Applies only to TCP, LBT-RM, and LBT-RU transports. -->
<!ELEMENT source-ip EMPTY>
      @attr value Source IP address as a dotted-decimal value.
      @attr comparison Relation between the source IP address and the specified
            value which must be true for this ACE to match. Allowable values are:
              <dt>"eq", "equal"</dt>
              <dd>The source IP address must be equal to the specified value.</dd>
              <dt>"ne", "notequal"</dt>
              <dd>The source IP address must not be equal to the specified value.</dd>
              <dt>"lt", "lessthan"</dt>
              <dd>The source IP address be less than the specified value.</dd>
              <dt>"le", "lessthanequal"</dt>
              <dd>The source IP address must be less than or equal to the specified value.</dd>
              <dt>"gt", "greaterthan"</dt>
              <dd>The source IP address be greater than the specified value.</dd>
              <dt>"le", "greaterthanequal"</dt>
              <dd>The source IP address must be greater than or equal to the specified value.</dd>
<!ATTLIST source-ip
          value CDATA #REQUIRED
          comparison (eq | equal | ne | notequal | lt | lessthan | le | lessthanequal | gt | greaterthan | ge | greaterthanequal) #REQUIRED
<!-- Specifies a multicast group ACE. Applies only to LBT-RM transports. -->
<!ELEMENT multicast-group EMPTY>
      @attr value Multicast group as a dotted-decimal value.
      @attr comparison Relation between the multicast group and the specified
            value which must be true for this ACE to match. Allowable values are:
              <dt>"eq", "equal"</dt>
              <dd>The multicast group must be equal to the specified value.</dd>
              <dt>"ne", "notequal"</dt>
              <dd>The multicast group must not be equal to the specified value.</dd>
              <dt>"lt", "lessthan"</dt>
              <dd>The multicast group be less than the specified value.</dd>
              <dt>"le", "lessthanequal"</dt>
              <dd>The multicast group must be less than or equal to the specified value.</dd>
              <dt>"gt", "greaterthan"</dt>
              <dd>The multicast group be greater than the specified value.</dd>
              <dt>"le", "greaterthanequal"</dt>
              <dd>The multicast group must be greater than or equal to the specified value.</dd>
<!ATTLIST multicast-group
          value CDATA #REQUIRED
          comparison (eq | equal | ne | notequal | lt | lessthan | le | lessthanequal | gt | greaterthan | ge | greaterthanequal) #REQUIRED
<!-- Specifies a UDP source port ACE. Applies only to LBT-RM and LBT-RU transports. -->
<!ELEMENT udp-source-port EMPTY>
      @attr value UDP source port.
      @attr comparison Relation between the UDP source port and the specified
            value which must be true for this ACE to match. Allowable values are:
              <dt>"eq", "equal"</dt>
              <dd>The UDP source port must be equal to the specified value.</dd>
              <dt>"ne", "notequal"</dt>
              <dd>The UDP source port must not be equal to the specified value.</dd>
              <dt>"lt", "lessthan"</dt>
              <dd>The UDP source port be less than the specified value.</dd>
              <dt>"le", "lessthanequal"</dt>
              <dd>The UDP source port must be less than or equal to the specified value.</dd>
              <dt>"gt", "greaterthan"</dt>
              <dd>The UDP source port be greater than the specified value.</dd>
              <dt>"le", "greaterthanequal"</dt>
              <dd>The UDP source port must be greater than or equal to the specified value.</dd>
<!ATTLIST udp-source-port
          value CDATA #REQUIRED
          comparison (eq | equal | ne | notequal | lt | lessthan | le | lessthanequal | gt | greaterthan | ge | greaterthanequal) #REQUIRED
<!-- Specifies a UDP destination port ACE. Applies only to LBT-RM transports. -->
<!ELEMENT udp-destination-port EMPTY>
      @attr value UDP destination port.
      @attr comparison Relation between the UDP destination port and the specified
            value which must be true for this ACE to match. Allowable values are:
              <dt>"eq", "equal"</dt>
              <dd>The UDP destination port must be equal to the specified value.</dd>
              <dt>"ne", "notequal"</dt>
              <dd>The UDP destination port must not be equal to the specified value.</dd>
              <dt>"lt", "lessthan"</dt>
              <dd>The UDP destination port be less than the specified value.</dd>
              <dt>"le", "lessthanequal"</dt>
              <dd>The UDP destination port must be less than or equal to the specified value.</dd>
              <dt>"gt", "greaterthan"</dt>
              <dd>The UDP destination port be greater than the specified value.</dd>
              <dt>"le", "greaterthanequal"</dt>
              <dd>The UDP destination port must be greater than or equal to the specified value.</dd>
<!ATTLIST udp-destination-port
          value CDATA #REQUIRED
          comparison (eq | equal | ne | notequal | lt | lessthan | le | lessthanequal | gt | greaterthan | ge | greaterthanequal) #REQUIRED
<!-- Specifies a TCP source port ACE. Applies only to TCP transports. -->
<!ELEMENT tcp-source-port EMPTY>
      @attr value TCP source port.
      @attr comparison Relation between the TCP source port and the specified
            value which must be true for this ACE to match. Allowable values are:
              <dt>"eq", "equal"</dt>
              <dd>The TCP source port must be equal to the specified value.</dd>
              <dt>"ne", "notequal"</dt>
              <dd>The TCP source port must not be equal to the specified value.</dd>
              <dt>"lt", "lessthan"</dt>
              <dd>The TCP source port be less than the specified value.</dd>
              <dt>"le", "lessthanequal"</dt>
              <dd>The TCP source port must be less than or equal to the specified value.</dd>
              <dt>"gt", "greaterthan"</dt>
              <dd>The TCP source port be greater than the specified value.</dd>
              <dt>"le", "greaterthanequal"</dt>
              <dd>The TCP source port must be greater than or equal to the specified value.</dd>
<!ATTLIST tcp-source-port
          value CDATA #REQUIRED
          comparison (eq | equal | ne | notequal | lt | lessthan | le | lessthanequal | gt | greaterthan | ge | greaterthanequal) #REQUIRED
<!-- Specifies a Xport ID ACE. Applies only to LBT-IPC transports. -->
<!ELEMENT xport-id EMPTY>
      @attr value Xport ID.
      @attr comparison Relation between the Xport ID and the specified
            value which must be true for this ACE to match. Allowable values are:
              <dt>"eq", "equal"</dt>
              <dd>The Xport ID must be equal to the specified value.</dd>
              <dt>"ne", "notequal"</dt>
              <dd>The Xport ID must not be equal to the specified value.</dd>
              <dt>"lt", "lessthan"</dt>
              <dd>The Xport ID be less than the specified value.</dd>
              <dt>"le", "lessthanequal"</dt>
              <dd>The Xport ID must be less than or equal to the specified value.</dd>
              <dt>"gt", "greaterthan"</dt>
              <dd>The Xport ID be greater than the specified value.</dd>
              <dt>"le", "greaterthanequal"</dt>
              <dd>The Xport ID must be greater than or equal to the specified value.</dd>
<!ATTLIST xport-id
          value CDATA #REQUIRED
          comparison (eq | equal | ne | notequal | lt | lessthan | le | lessthanequal | gt | greaterthan | ge | greaterthanequal) #REQUIRED
<!-- Topic resolution configurations. -->
<!ELEMENT topic-resolution (topic-use-query?, pattern-use-query?, initial-request? )>
<!-- Topic use query option. -->
<!ELEMENT topic-use-query (rate-limit? ) >
      @attr timeout The maximum time, in milliseconds, to wait for a topic use response.
            Before changing the value of this option, please contact Informatica Support.
      @attr max Maximum number of topic use queries to send for a given topic.
            Before changing the value of this option, please contact Informatica Support.
      @attr periodic-interval The interval, in milliseconds, between periodic topic use queries
            being sent for each topic the portal has interest in.
            Before changing the value of this option, please contact Informatica Support.
<!ATTLIST topic-use-query
          timeout CDATA "3000"
          max CDATA "5"
          periodic-interval CDATA "300000"
<!-- Pattern use query option. -->
<!ELEMENT pattern-use-query (rate-limit? ) >
      @attr timeout The maximum time, in milliseconds, to wait for a pattern use response.
            Before changing the value of this option, please contact Informatica Support.
      @attr max Maximum number of pattern use queries to send for a given pattern.
            Before changing the value of this option, please contact Informatica Support.
      @attr periodic-interval The interval, in milliseconds, between periodic pattern use queries
            being sent for each pattern the portal has interest in.
            Before changing the value of this option, please contact Informatica Support.
<!ATTLIST pattern-use-query
          timeout CDATA "3000"
          max CDATA "5"
          periodic-interval CDATA "300000"
<!-- Rate Limit option. -->
<!ELEMENT rate-limit EMPTY>
      @attr bps The limit in Bits per Second that data will be sent on the network.
            Before changing the value of this option, please contact Informatica Support.
      @attr objects-per-second The limit in Objects per Second that data will be sent on the network.
            Before changing the value of this option, please contact Informatica Support.
<!ATTLIST rate-limit
          bps CDATA "500000"
          objects-per-second CDATA "500"
<!-- Initial topic resolution request option. -->
<!ELEMENT initial-request EMPTY>
      @attr periodic-interval The interval at which the initial topic resolution requests are sent.
            Before changing the value of this option, please contact Informatica Support.
      @attr duration The minimum duration for which the initial topic resolution requests are sent.
            Before changing the value of this option, please contact Informatica Support.
<!ATTLIST initial-request
          periodic-interval CDATA "1000"
          duration CDATA "10"
<!-- Late join configuration. -->
<!ELEMENT late-join EMPTY>
      @attr provide Determines whether sources created on a portal should provide late join to receivers.
            Allowable values are:
              <dd>Provide late join only if the original source provides late join.</dd>
              <dd>Always provide late join, even if the original source does not.</dd>
              <dd>Never provide late join, even if the original source does.</dd>
            The LBM configuration specified for the portal determines the late join configuration.
      @attr forward If late join (retransmission) requests to a source on the portal are unable to be filled
            locally, should the requests be forwarded to the original source?
              <dd>Yes, forward retransmission requests if they cannot be filled locally.</dd>
              <dd>No, retransmission requests should never be forwarded.</dd>
            This only applies to sources created on the portal with late join support.
<!ATTLIST late-join
          provide ( source | always | never ) "source"
          forward ( yes | no ) "yes"
<!-- Topic purge configuration. -->
<!ELEMENT topic-purge EMPTY>
      @attr periodic-interval Interval (in milliseconds) at which receiver topics are checked to determine if they can be purged.
            Before changing the value of this option, please contact Informatica Support.
<!ATTLIST topic-purge periodic-interval CDATA "60000" >
<!-- Topic interest generation configuration. -->
<!ELEMENT topic-interest-generate EMPTY>
      @attr periodic-interval Interval (in milliseconds) at which topic interest is generated.
            Before changing the value of this option, please contact Informatica Support.
      @attr max-topics Maximum topics for which interest is generated at one time.
            Before changing the value of this option, please contact Informatica Support.
      @attr interval Interval (in milliseconds) between groups of topics.
            Before changing the value of this option, please contact Informatica Support.
<!ATTLIST topic-interest-generate
          periodic-interval CDATA "300000"
          max-topics CDATA "20"
          interval CDATA "200"
<!-- Topic domain activity configuration. -->
<!ELEMENT topic-domain-activity EMPTY>
      @attr timeout Minimum time (in seconds) domain interest for a topic must be unrefreshed before interest is removed for that domain.
            Before changing the value of this option, please contact Informatica Support.
<!ATTLIST topic-domain-activity timeout CDATA "900" >
<!-- Pattern purge configuration. -->
<!ELEMENT pattern-purge EMPTY>
      @attr periodic-interval Interval (in milliseconds) at which receiver patterns are checked to determine if they can be purged.
            Before changing the value of this option, please contact Informatica Support.
<!ATTLIST pattern-purge periodic-interval CDATA "60000" >
<!-- Pattern interest generation configuration. -->
<!ELEMENT pattern-interest-generate EMPTY>
      @attr periodic-interval Interval (in milliseconds) at which pattern interest is generated.
            Before changing the value of this option, please contact Informatica Support.
      @attr max-patterns Maximum patterns for which interest is generated at one time.
            Before changing the value of this option, please contact Informatica Support.
      @attr interval Interval (in milliseconds) between groups of patterns.
            Before changing the value of this option, please contact Informatica Support.
<!ATTLIST pattern-interest-generate
          periodic-interval CDATA "300000"
          max-patterns CDATA "20"
          interval CDATA "200"
<!-- Pattern domain activity configuration. -->
<!ELEMENT pattern-domain-activity EMPTY>
      @attr timeout Minimum time (in seconds) domain interest for a pattern must be unrefreshed before interest is removed for that domain.
            Before changing the value of this option, please contact Informatica Support.
<!ATTLIST pattern-domain-activity timeout CDATA "900" >
<!-- Topic use check configuration. -->
<!ELEMENT topic-use-check EMPTY>
      @attr periodic-interval Interval (in milliseconds) at which source topics are checked to determine if there is no more interest.
            Before changing the value of this option, please contact Informatica Support.
<!ATTLIST topic-use-check periodic-interval CDATA "300000" >
<!-- Pattern use check configuration. -->
<!ELEMENT pattern-use-check EMPTY>
      @attr periodic-interval Interval (in milliseconds) at which source patterns are checked to determine if there is no more interest.
            Before changing the value of this option, please contact Informatica Support.
<!ATTLIST pattern-use-check periodic-interval CDATA "300000" >
<!-- Monitoring configuration. -->
<!ELEMENT monitor (transport-module?, format-module?)>
    @attr interval Monitoring interval, in seconds. Zero disables monitoring.
<!ATTLIST monitor
          interval CDATA "0"
<!-- Monitoring transport configuration. -->
<!ELEMENT transport-module EMPTY>
    @attr module Transport module to use. Default is "lbm".
    @attr options Option string to be passed to the transport module.
<!ATTLIST transport-module
          module (lbm | lbmsnmp | udp) "lbm"
          options CDATA #IMPLIED
<!-- Monitoring format configuration. -->
<!ELEMENT format-module EMPTY>
    @attr module Format module to use. Default is "csv".
    @attr options Option string to be passed to the format module.
<!ATTLIST format-module
          module (csv) "csv"
          options CDATA #IMPLIED
<!-- Web monitor configuration. Specify as interface:port. Interface may be specified as '*'. -->
<!ELEMENT web-monitor ( #PCDATA )>
      @attr xml:space How whitespace is to be handled. "default" trims leading
            and trailing whitespace, and compress multiple whitespace characters
            into a single character. "preserve" preserves the whitespace exactly
            as read.
<!ATTLIST web-monitor xml:space (default | preserve) "default">
<!-- Propagation delay configuration. -->
<!ELEMENT propagation-delay EMPTY>
      @attr delta Specifies the difference, in milliseconds, between the shortest and longest
            propagation delays in the network. The default is zero.
            Before changing the value of this option, please contact Informatica Support.
<!ATTLIST propagation-delay delta CDATA "0" >
<!-- Specifies the LBM XML configuration file. -->
<!ELEMENT xml-config ( #PCDATA )>
      @attr xml:space How whitespace is to be handled. "default" trims leading
            and trailing whitespace, and compress multiple whitespace characters
            into a single character. "preserve" preserves the whitespace exactly
            as read.
<!ATTLIST xml-config xml:space (default | preserve) "default">
<!-- Specifies the portal source context name. -->
<!ELEMENT source-context-name ( #PCDATA )>
      @attr xml:space How whitespace is to be handled. "default" trims leading
            and trailing whitespace, and compress multiple whitespace characters
            into a single character. "preserve" preserves the whitespace exactly
            as read.
<!ATTLIST source-context-name xml:space (default | preserve) "default">
<!-- Specifies the portal receiver context name. -->
<!ELEMENT receiver-context-name ( #PCDATA )>
      @attr xml:space How whitespace is to be handled. "default" trims leading
            and trailing whitespace, and compress multiple whitespace characters
            into a single character. "preserve" preserves the whitespace exactly
            as read.
<!ATTLIST receiver-context-name xml:space (default | preserve) "default">
<!-- Specifies the configuration of sequence number windows. -->
<!ELEMENT sqn-window EMPTY>
      @attr size Determines the maximum number of topic (fragment) sequence numbers
            that will be maintained, for any given source, for duplicate detection.
            Must be a multiple of 8.            Before changing the value of this option, please contact Informatica Support.
      @attr increment Determines the minimum increment, in topic (fragment) sequence numbers,
            by which the sequence number window is moved when the window size is exceeded.
            Must be a multiple of 8, an even divisor of the window size, and less the window size.
            Before changing the value of this option, please contact Informatica Support.
<!ATTLIST sqn-window
          size CDATA "16384"
          increment CDATA "2048"
<!-- Context query generation configuration. -->
<!ELEMENT context-query EMPTY>
      @attr periodic-interval Interval (in milliseconds) at which context queries are generated.
            Before changing the value of this option, please contact Informatica Support.
      @attr max-contexts Maximum number of contexts for which queries are generated at one time.
            Before changing the value of this option, please contact Informatica Support.
      @attr interval Interval (in milliseconds) between groups of context queries.
            Before changing the value of this option, please contact Informatica Support.
      @attr timeout Minimum time (in seconds) a context query must be unanswered before it is removed for the portal.
            Before changing the value of this option, please contact Informatica Support.
<!ATTLIST context-query
          periodic-interval CDATA "300000"
          max-contexts CDATA "20"
          interval CDATA "200"
          timeout CDATA "900"
<!-- Gateway keepalive configuration. -->
<!ELEMENT gateway-keepalive EMPTY>
      @attr idle If gateway keepalives should be sent only when the link is idle.
              <dd>Yes, only send keepalives if no traffic has been sent or received in the last interval.</dd>
              <dd>No, send a keepalive every interval.</dd>
      @attr interval Minimum interval, in milliseconds, between keepalives. When <tt>idle</tt> is "no",
            a keepalive is sent every <tt>interval</tt> milliseconds. When <tt>idle</tt> is "yes",
            if the portal has not sent anything to the companion, or received anything from the companion, in
            <tt>interval</tt> milliseconds, a keepalive message is sent. A value of zero disables keepalives.
      @attr timeout Maximum time, in milliseconds, a peer can receive nothing from the companion
            before determining the connection is dead and disconnecting.
<!ATTLIST gateway-keepalive
          idle ( yes | no ) "yes"
          interval CDATA "5000"
          timeout CDATA "15000"