Number of datagrams retransmitted by this source (LBT-RM, LBT-RU).

C# |
public long retransmissionsSent()

Number of datagrams retransmitted by this source.

This count is incremented under the same circumstances as
retransmissionBytesSent, below.
In a normal, light-loss scenario, most NAKs received induce a retransmission.
When losses become heavy and/or many receiver transports begin losing the
same datagrams, NCF-related no-retransmit counts (naksIgnored, naksShed and
naksIgnoredRetransmitDelay) may begin to inflate, and retransmissions
retransmissionsSent) may become significantly lower than NAKS
received (naksReceived).
This method returns a value from the first
set of statistics encapsulated within this object
and would normally be used when the object has been
created using a specific source to instantiate the class.