4.27. Wildcard Receiver Options

4.27.1. pattern_callback (wildcard_receiver)

Callback function (and associated client data pointer) that is called when a pattern match is desired for a topic discovered for a wildcard receiver if the pattern type is set to "appcb". This callback is called directly in line and does not use the event queue. A return value of 0 indicates the given topic should be considered part of the wildcard. A value of 1 or more indicates the topic should NOT be considered matching the wildcard.

Scope: wildcard_receiver
Type: lbm_wildcard_rcv_compare_func_t
Default value: NULL
When to Set: Can only be set during object initialization.
Config File: Cannot be set from an UM configuration file.

4.27.2. pattern_type (wildcard_receiver)

The type of pattern matching in use for the wildcard receiver. This is the behavior used for the pattern compare when new topics are seen.

Scope: wildcard_receiver
Type: int
When to Set: Can only be set during object initialization.
String value Integer value Description
pcre LBM_WILDCARD_RCV_PATTERN_TYPE_PCRE The pattern of the wildcard is assumed to be a regular expression usable by PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions) library. Default for all if supported by platform.
regex LBM_WILDCARD_RCV_PATTERN_TYPE_REGEX The pattern of the wildcard is assumed to be a regular expression usable by POSIX Extended Regular Expressions. Default for all if supported and PCRE is not supported.
appcb LBM_WILDCARD_RCV_PATTERN_TYPE_APP_CB The pattern is ignored and an application callback (set by the pattern_callback attribute) is called for each pattern match compare. Default for all if neither PCRE nor REGEX is supported.

4.27.3. receiver_create_callback (wildcard_receiver)

Callback function (and associated client data pointer) that is called when a receiver is about to be created for a topic which matched a wildcard receiver pattern. This callback is called directly in line and does not use the event queue. The callback function should always return 0.

Scope: wildcard_receiver
Type: lbm_wildcard_rcv_create_func_t
Default value: NULL
When to Set: Can only be set during object initialization.
Config File: Cannot be set from an UM configuration file.
Version: This option was implemented in LBM 3.4/UME 2.1.

4.27.4. receiver_delete_callback (wildcard_receiver)

Callback function (and associated client data pointer) that is called when a receiver is about to be deleted. This callback is called directly in line and does not use the event queue. The callback function should always return 0.

Scope: wildcard_receiver
Type: lbm_wildcard_rcv_delete_func_t
Default value: NULL
When to Set: Can only be set during object initialization.
Config File: Cannot be set from an UM configuration file.
Version: This option was implemented in LBM 3.4/UME 2.1.

4.27.5. resolver_no_source_linger_timeout (wildcard_receiver)

This sets the linger timeout value before a topic with no sources is removed and cleaned up. Since wildcard receivers set the resolution_no_source_notification_threshold to 10, the linger timer starts after the wildcard receiver sends 10 queries and subsequently receives a no-source notification.

Scope: wildcard_receiver
Type: lbm_ulong_t
Units: milliseconds
Default value: 1000 (1 second)
When to Set: Can only be set during object initialization.

4.27.6. resolver_query_maximum_interval (wildcard_receiver)

The longest - and last - interval in wildcard receiver topic querying. A value of 0 disables wildcard receiver topic querying. See also Disabling Aspects of Topic Resolution.

Scope: wildcard_receiver
Type: lbm_ulong_t
Units: milliseconds
Default value: 1000 (1 second)
When to Set: Can only be set during object initialization.
Version: This option was implemented in LBM 4.0

4.27.7. resolver_query_minimum_duration (wildcard_receiver)

The duration of wildcard queries in wildcard receiver topic querying. Only PCRE and regex pattern types can use wildcard queries. A value of 0 guarantees that wildcard receiver topic querying never completes.

Scope: wildcard_receiver
Type: lbm_ulong_t
Units: seconds
Default value: 60 (1 minute)
When to Set: Can only be set during object initialization.
Version: This option was implemented in LBM 4.0

4.27.8. resolver_query_minimum_interval (wildcard_receiver)

Interval between the first topic query sent upon creation of the wildcard receiver and the second query sent by the receiver. A value of 0 disables wildcard receiver topic querying. See also Disabling Aspects of Topic Resolution. This option has an effective minimum of 30 ms. See Minimum Values for Advertisement and Query Intervals.

Scope: wildcard_receiver
Type: lbm_ulong_t
Units: milliseconds
Default value: 50 (0.05 seconds)
When to Set: Can only be set during object initialization.
Version: This option was implemented in LBM 4.0

4.27.9. resolver_wildcard_queries_per_second (context)

Maximum number of queries sent within a one second period during wildcard receiver topic querying. A value of 0 sets no rate limit on queries in wildcard receiver topic querying.

Scope: context
Type: lbm_ulong_t
Units: advertisements
Default value: 0
When to Set: Can only be set during object initialization.
Version: This option was implemented in LBM 4.0

4.27.10. resolver_wildcard_query_bps (context)

Maximum query rate during wildcard receiver topic querying. A value of 0 sets no rate limit on queries in wildcard receiver topic querying.

Scope: context
Type: lbm_uint64_t
Units: bits per second
Default value: 1000000
When to Set: Can only be set during object initialization.
Version: This option was implemented in LBM 4.0

4.27.11. resolver_wildcard_receiver_map_tablesz (context)

The size of the hash table used for storing wildcard receiver patterns. A value of 0 disables caching wildcard receiver patterns. This value should be a prime number.

Scope: context
Type: size_t
Units: map entries
Default value: 10273
When to Set: Can only be set during object initialization.

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