4.39. Options (Callbacks) That Cannot Be Set From a UM Configuration File

This section lists options that require function pointers as their value and cannot be set in a UM Configuration File. These options must be set with API functions.

Table 4-6. Options That Cannot Be Set From a UM Configuration File

Configuration Option Scope Default Value
immediate_message_receiver_function context NULL
immediate_message_topic_receiver_function context NULL
mim_unrecoverable_loss_function context NULL
pattern_callback wildcard_receiver NULL
receiver_create_callback wildcard_receiver NULL
receiver_delete_callback wildcard_receiver NULL
resolver_source_notification_function context NULL
resolver_string_hash_function_ex context NULL
source_cost_evaluation_function context NULL
source_event_function context NULL
source_notification_function receiver NULL
ume_force_reclaim_function source NULL
ume_recovery_sequence_number_info_function receiver NULL
ume_registration_extended_function receiver NULL
ume_registration_function receiver NULL

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