A number of internal changes to the LBM Gateway to better handle synchronization between the inbound and outbound sides, as well as reduce memory utilization.
Changes to Windows completion ports to improve send performance. Also fixes potential heap corruption when receivers are deleted.
Added config options transport_lbtrm_source_socket_buffer
and transport_lbtru_source_socket_buffer
. Set default values to
65536 or OS default, whichever is larger. This has the effect of improving Windows send
Added Windows support to the Gateway.
Corrected the implementation of -q with Java and C#.
Corrected the statistics omission from usage message on .NET (lbm).
Improved Completion Ports (send & receive).
Added a -s (statistics) option to the Java version of umercv.
Added Gateway to Solaris binary packaging.
Fixed cleanup of callback token at JNI.
Fixed the condition that crashed LBM, occurring when the same topic is allocated on separate threads and one thread creates and deletes its receiver before the second thread creates its receiver.
Fixed condition where LBM allows corruption if more than 1024 FD's registered.
Fixed condition where Gateway prints "topic mgmt packet invalid version" and ceases to function.
Fixed condition where Gateway dumps core in mixed-receiver direct scenario.
Fixed failed assertion [sock->rcv_maxlen==maxlen] in Gateway.
Fixed problem so that Gateway explicitly sets the context operational_mode.
Fixed a memory leak in the Gateway that occurred when large numbers of receivers were present.
Fixed numerous problems in the Gateway that occurred when large numbers of receivers were present.
Fixed an incorrect error message that could cause the Gateway to crash if debugging was on.
Provided a fix that prevents spurious messages sent to an LBM port from throwing LBM into an infinite loop.
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