Key features added in the 2.0 series releases:
Added wildcard support.
Added support for 64-bit AIX
Bug fix: thread ID was not being set when lbm_context_process_events() was called
Bug fix: lbmpong reported incorrect round-trip times on 64-bit platforms due to a buffer overflow
Added 64-bit Solaris-10 x86 platform.
Fixed bug that prevented wildcard receivers from working properly with Event Queues. The symptom was:
FATAL: failed assertion [msg->refcnt>=0] ...
Added Event Queue option to Java lbmwrcv sample application
Added liblbmj.a and extracted for Java support on AIX. This requires J2RE 1.4.2 SR3 or later.
Fixed Windows bug that occasionally caused the error:
FATAL: failed assertion [mapentry!=NULL] ...
Modified interface scan to find aliased IP addresses on AIX
Build java.util.Properties semantics into classes implementing configuration attributes
Added LBM Start Menu Program Group to Windows installation
Added lbmspike command
Clarifications in lbm-config.txt (units given where appropriate)
"Early Access" release.
Added wildcard support.
Extract log4j and java.util.logging references from Java LBM class.
Added support for Solaris 10/x86.
Added callback that notifies the application when new topics/sources are discovered by
topic resolution (see resolver_source_notification_function
in doc/Config/lbm-config.txt for details).
lbmrd: added "-i" option and removed "-H" option.
Added lbmwrcv example for wildcard usage.
Added QuickStart document.
Added significant content to Design document.
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