Key features added in the 1.5 series releases:
Added Latency Busters Transport for Reliable Unicast (LBT-RU)
Major improvements to example code and documentation
Added support for AIX
Minor revisions for AIX
Fixed a bug that broke unicast topic resolution in release 1.5.1.
Added support for AIX
Added Latency Busters Transport for Reliable Unicast (LBT-RU)
Major improvements to example code:
Added -r flag for easier testing with LBT-RM
Added lbmresping for troubleshooting LBM unicast resolver problems
Added Makefile (for Windows) and all code needed to compile examples.
General cleanup and many comments added
Added five new sections to THPM white paper:
Messaging Latency Budget
Latency Sources
Latency Measurement Overview
Measuring CPU Scheduling Latency
Measuring CPU Contention Latency
Improvements and additions to the FAQ in the Application Notes
Added example config files (see doc/Config/Examples) and moved doc/lbm-config.txt to doc/Config/lbm-config.txt.
Added section to lbm-config that lists the ranges and port usage for TCP/UDP.
Changed port ranges for some settings. Changes are:
Added request_tcp_reuseaddr
config variable.
Fixed an error saving fragment state on platforms that require memory alignment (e.g. SPARC) that was causing assertion failures with loss.
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