
00001 00002 00003 00004 00005 00006 00007 00008 00009 00010 00011 00012 00013 00014 00015 00016 00017 00018 00019 00020 00021 00022 00023 00024 00025 00026 00027 00028 00029 00030 00031 00032 00033 00034 00035 00036 00037 00038 00039 00040 00041 00042 00043 00044 00045 00046 00047 00048 00049 00050 00051 00052 00053 00054 00055 00056 00057 00058 /* ScheduleTimers.cs, see */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using com.latencybusters.lbm; public class ScheduleTimers { public static int wait = 1; static void Main(String[] args) { LBMContext ctx = null; /* Context object: container for UM "instance". */ /*** Initialization: create necessary UM objects. ***/ try { ctx = new LBMContext(); } catch(LBMException ex) { System.Console.Error.WriteLine("Error initializing LBM objects: " + ex.Message); System.Environment.Exit(1); } TimerCallback cb = new TimerCallback(); LBMTimer timer = new LBMTimer(ctx,1000,(LBMTimerCallback)cb.onExpiration,null); while (wait == 1) { try { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); } catch (Exception eex) { System.Console.Error.WriteLine("Error System.Threading.Thread.Sleep() exception: " + eex.Message); System.Environment.Exit(1); } } ctx.close(); } /* main */ public void onExpiration(Object cbArg) { System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Timer executed. Set wait to 0 so application can cleanly exit"); wait = 0; } public class TimerCallback { public void onExpiration(Object cbArg) { System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Timer executed. Set wait to 0 so application can cleanly exit"); wait = 0; } } } /* class ScheduleTimers */